Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Bear, blackBad days has been arrived
Bear, whiteGood luck
Black animal, except elephantBe alert you may get life problem
Black cobraHonor from govt. Or miscarriage (in case of pregnant lady)
Caged birdPeace in life
CamelInjury in limb
CatSign of fighting in life
DogMeeting of a new and very good friend
ElephantSuccess and gain
Fall from any animalProblem and worries
Fish poundGain due to some opposite sex
GoatPleasing journey
Horse ridingSuccess in life
LionDeath of some enemy
LizardSudden gain in finance or money
MonkeysHealth ailment which can convert in to chronic illness
PeacockHappy news
Pigeon seeingGood news
RabbitGain of love of opposite sex
ScorpioWorries in life
Seeing an owlHealth problem and sorrow
Sleeping animalProblem are near to you but you may not get affected
SnakePeace in life, but not good for pregnant lady
Speaking crowBad news
White animalGain in business
White snakeGain in life but not good for pregnant lady

Bones and skeletonHidden treasure waiting for you
Burned aliveGood news and gain in near future
Burring a coffinGood gain and healthy time
CoffinMoney gain and promotion
Crimination placeFame and gain in honor
Dancing of dead bodyBe alert you may get life problem
DarknessYou are going to get problem.
Dead bodyGood health and good time ahead
Dead man sayingHis or her saying will come true
DrowningStruggle time, and you will face it strongly
Eating with deadBad days are over
Ghost seeingIncrease in luck
Ill personUnhealthy period is over
Killing of some oneSudden problem
Laughing dead bodyBig problem has arrived
MiscarriageSerious illness
Mourning peoplesJoy in life and a lot of gain
MurderProblem is coming
Prayer for dead personBig problem related to health
Prayer for departed relativeAncestors are blessing you
Seeing an ancestorGood result of past deeds is near

Birthday celebrationLoss in age
Catching fire by handWaste of money
Holding lady's waistYou may get caught in wrongful act
Construction of buldg.Wealth gain
Dancing of massNice time is coming
Drum beatingMeeting with some important person
EclipseDisease in life
EnemyGood time has been arrived
Engagement celebrationLate marriage
Fail in examGood gain and success
Fall of wallLoss in wealth or money loss
FestivalBad news
Fighting peoplesJoy in life
FireSome gland problem, but success in work
Firing of bulletSolution of problem
GamblingLoss in wealth or money loss
Guest in homeSudden problem is coming
Peoples in marriage partyLots of problem are on its way
Pick pocketLoss in wealth or money loss
RainingGood dream, prosperity is in its way
Seeing an operationIt is sign of health problem
Seeing off some oneIncrease in money
Seeing upside downInsult and shock
SneezeBlocking in work
Some one slap youGain in life and all pain will go away soon
Threatened by some oneVictory on enemies
Turmoil or seismicWorries from children
WarSign of success
Holy day, X'Mas etcCosmic shield for you, malefic impact of past dream over
Marriage of some known oneLots of problem are on its way
Wedding or brides carSome problem is surrounding you for long time

Breast feedingMega gain from some relative
FloodLoss in wealth
Hill or mountainGain in service
OceanGain from hidden treasure
RiverPeace in rest of life
SandGain in money and business
SeaGain through hidden mean
Snow fallGetting more income
Some starsGood time is very near
Stars and sunLove with some learned person
Stone or boulderProblem for longer time is close to you
Storm, airProblem is very close
Storm, fireGood gain in life is approaching you
Storm, waterMoney as well as health problem
Sunny dayVery good gain in service
Water fallAll pains in life are reducing
Water, still waterHonor and praise

Cutting a treeIncrease in problems
Cutting rootsProblem is very close
Eating green fruitHealth gain
Eating riceGood news
Eating sweet thingHonor and promotion
Eating terminiBirth of male child
Fruit full treeGain in life
Garden with flowersGood days and gain
Lotus or holy flowerMoney gain
Mango tree (without fruit)Joy from children
Root of plant or treeLong life
Root vegetable (potato etc.)Problem is ahead
RoseFulfilling of desire
Termini treeGood health
Water malonMoney gain but problem in life also coming

Beautiful girlGain in income and good luck is coming
Beautiful ladyJoy in love life
BeggarCompelled journey
Big fat manHealth gain
Doctor, coming to youHealth problem is coming up
Doctor, medicating youGain in health and total recovery
Doctor, standingHealth problem in 2 months
GardnerHappy news
GiantProblem is over
Girl kiss youLoss due to foolish act
Infant childHarmony in family
Keep (lady, who is keep)Problem to children
Kid kiss youA chain of gains are going to start
King or rulerGain in service
Leprosy patientSign of bad health
Little girl kiss youBig gain and blessing of time has arrived in life
MagicianBad sign, problem due to planets
Male and unmarried relativeHealth problem, loss to parents
Mating coupleJoy in married life
Mating with relativeBreathing problem to mother
Old ladyHealth problem for long time
Old lady (without hairs)You may receive bad time
Old widowStressful time in life
PostmanGood news from distant place
RoughLoss in wealth or money loss
SisterIncrease in luck
TailorWork will end in mess
TeacherSuccess in work
Watch manSign of money gain
Young widowHidden relations in making

AnchorIncrease in wealth
Arms and ammunitionAll problems are going away
AshGain and success in life
Bed sheetDefame
BicycleGain in life
Black cap or black hatProgress in service is near but health problem too
Black spectaclesSorrow
Bow (arc)Successful journey
BroomLoss in wealth or money loss
Bucket or storing vesselGain in business and trade
Cap or hatProgress in life is near
Carpet, blackEvil problem in home
Carpet, greenGain in family business, but you will kept away
Carpet, redInjury to some family member
CoalSome good news will come
Coming shipGood time is very near
Copper coin in soilProblems are near,
EmbroiderySuccess in love and romance
EngineLoss in plan or failure in plan
FlagGood fame and gain in wealth
Fly over or bridgeGood gain in journey is near
Flying aeroplaneGood luck
FountainSorrows are going away
Green scarfDepressing time
Hidden treasurePast life gain time is with you
High buildingChange in job with good gain
HouseFame and gain in honor
HutSecurity and favor from seniors
IceMeeting with beloved one
Kite seeingIncrease in problems
Ladies hat or covering clothGood luck and gain
Locked lockProblem in service
Many starsFulfilling of deep desire
MarketBad days are over
MirrorIllness finished
Open lockGain in dealing but if in service then transfer of work
Opened doorNew area of work
Opening of locked lockProblems are going away
Pocket or purseVictory
Practicing swordVictory on enemies
PrintingInsult and dint in honor
PrisonHonor and promotion
RifleProblem is coming to you
Scissors cuttingHot exchange
ShadowBe alert you may get life problem
ShipGood time
Ship going awayGood time gone
Shivering in cold or fearDawn in life is near
Shop, emptyGood gain in life and new venture is also ahead
Shop, fill with articlesGood gain in life is approaching you
Shower bathingEducational gain to father
Silver jewelrySeparation in some relation
Sitting in a boatFalse allegation on you, is near
Skirt or lower garmentDomestic joy
Smoke without fireBlockage in work
Square type poolBreathing trouble
Standing aeroplaneGood luck will be there after 6 month
TentNew work
Textile spoolFinancial gain
ToyPeace and harmony
Triangle or trinityBig success
UmbrellaWorries are going away
Vehicle, black colorBad news is coming to you
Vehicle, light colorGood journey
Washing machineSuccess in work
Watch or clockTravelling
White scarf or capPeace in life
WrestlerHealth gain and brother will help you

Backing foodGood news is coming
Bathing in pool or riverPilgrim and prosperity in life
Bathing in roaring riverBig gain
BettingBig loss
Card playingGain in business and trade
CombingFulfilling of desire
Doing telephoneGood news
Drinking milkJoy time in life
Fall from bridgeIllness is in its way
Fall in riverWorries in life
Falling from skyDint in honor and health problem
Fearing from a personNo problem will reach you for 3 months
Going to up hillGain and promotion is very close to you.
Hitting on butt of a personBy courage you are going to win
HuntingFamily problem
InjuredFreedom from problem
Knife injuryDispute in family
Loosing jobGain in service
MeditationGain in self realization or philosophy
Pass in examNegative result
Picking of copper coinHealth problem in 2 weeks
Picking of wooden thingHot exchange without reason
Playing with bow and arrowHappiness in life
Purchasing ticketSeparation in some relation
Running after a fat girlDownfall is ahead
Running from fearGood time has been arrived and gain is there
Seeing a money bagProperly rewarded labor and gain
Seeing a rainbowChange in life
Seeing a thiefMoney gain
Seeing self in mirrorNice time ahead
Seeing the skyGain and promotion is very close to you.
Self deathAge gain, and you will escape from trouble
Self dyingLuck has opened its door
Self hungryGain in journey
Self injuryHealth gain
Self sleepingHealth problem to elder daughter
Self suicideLong age
Self weepingJoy has reached to you
Shaving headHappy married life
Slapping to some oneHot exchange in home
SpittingProblem is very close
Standing in roofResting time ahead
Suffering from feverHealth gain
Swept with waterGood success in work and new work is also near
SwimmingGain in longevity
Taking bribeInsult and dint in honor
Taking medicineHealth gain and complete cure
Taking poisonIncrease in problems
ThirstyHealth problem and blockage in work
ToiletPain in life may increase
Touching some lady's breastsSecurity from evil power
Trapped in sand or mudPain and loss of money
Wearing of ringMoney gain

Ancient godLot of blessing of cosmos, world wide fame or satisfaction
God and goddessJoy in life
Holy fireGain, peace and harmony in life
Holy thingDesire is going to be fulfilled
LordSpiritual as well as gain in honor
Mystic designWorries and failure
Paying to some priestHoly work and deed
Religious deedsGain in wealth
Religious placeAll around gain
Saint or peerGain in life
Temple or religious placeDesire is going to be fulfilled
Alert watchmanTheft in home or loss of money
CastlePromotion and gain
ClappingJoy in life
Closed doorLot of hard work required for success
Cloth shopBad news
Covering of faceNew work or business
Cow's wasteGain through animal
Cutting of nail by metalOld health problem going away
Donating clothsMalefic impact of planets are going away
Donating houseNew era of life is coming
Donating moneyGood sign of favor, time is with you
Food making placeProsperity in wealth and income
Kicked or feet stuck on stoneIt is sign of success
Lotto number or lotteryGain in income and good luck is coming
Organ of opposite sexChild birth or conceiving in family member
PovertyProsperity and harmony
Domestic vacuum cleanerLoss in wealth or money loss


Mole are the spots which are formed due to extra pigment on skin or due to some other reasons. They are found in different part of body. Some are dark in color some are lighter may be called as Dark Brown, some are brown and some are light brown. The fifth category which is much rare and always gives impact against all kind of malefic yoga in horoscope, are of White very tiny moles which are usually formed prior to birth. Most of moles are formed within 4 year of birth of a person. Some moles are temporary and some moles are formed when a person use to get good impact of his or her parents stars. Usually moles on hand or palm or below to feet area are inherited one and they usually formed at the age of 18 to 24 year of age, when a person get freedom from the Nakshatrafal. We have already told you about Nakshatra in our other web page, and during this age his or her planetary Maha Dasa gets control on him. According to some astrologer these are formed according to transit of Rahu and Ketu, but we have seen that placement of Rahu and Ketu in birth chart indicates the spot on body of a person, mole are different from it. In palmistry and other lines moles are the turning point of reading and it impacts on a person more then other spots. Even though many contradictory views are there in this regard and a big book can be written We are giving some text related to moles, which we have found much near to accurate and most of time we also see this in case of correction of birth time. Mole or marks on palm and feet, is a separate issue and is much different from mark on other part of body.

If a mole, spot or circle type figure formed by hair on the left side of a lady or right side of a man are always identified as.

If there is mole on the breasts of a lady, she must be very fortunate, in case of male they are holder of very tiny heart and always fearing from many things which are not even present in their life.

A lady, who has a red mark like a mole etc., on her right breast, she get blessings from creator and become mother of large family. She also get a lot of enjoyments and comforts in life. In case of male, it makes him coward and her potential of producing children remains in doubt.

If any lady having a red color mole, on her left breast, she use to blessed with nice but only one son.

If any lady, who is having a mole on her right breast, she use to get may children and most of them are girls.

If any lady or gent is having red color mole or mark on the fore head then that person use to gain or become a rular of a kingdom.

If any gents is having dark marks on head, above to forehead then he too becomes a king. But if the mark is on the left side of head, then he becomes the reason of a very big fall or breaking of a nation, and along with his stars the empire also get vanished. But if the mark is on the right side then he use to become the reason of making or creating a big union and becomes a legend in his own life time.

The person use to enjoy a lot of sweetish items and gets a lot of beauties in life if he is having red color mark on the right cheeks. Same us said for a lady if she is having mark in left cheek. According to Sage Parashar and Varah Mihir, such impact is having more effect on men then to women.

The lady is having a red mark on her nose she becomes or enjoys becomes companion of a king or high dignitary. But if the mark is darker then light red then it indicates many adulteresses in life.

All the marks below the navel are auspicious for both men and women.

If there is moles etc., on the ears, cheeks or neck of a man then he get blessed with male issue first and he also enjoys good fortune and happiness.

The man who has moles or marks in the front part of let or hand, where he can see it easily then such mark are not known as auspicious and they suffer much setbacks in life.

If a lady is having has the sign of table fork or W or triangle on her forehead then due to her luck her husband gains much and she enjoys the comfort as a queen.

Such a mark is placed on the forehead of a man, it ensures a ruling position to him.

A right turned circular hair formation on heart, navel, hands, right part of the back and in the portion between sex organ and navel, are always recognized as auspicious by the Sage. But Left turned formation is inauspicious for both male and female.

If such hair circle is forming on the waist and private parts it is not recognized as auspicious and such person are not known as domestic one.

If such a formation is occurring on the stomach, the person concerned will lose his or her better half within few year of marriage or his or her better half will get some chronic illness and will become useless.

If such circular formation either clockwise or anti-clockwise at the center of the back, then such lady become addicted to adulteress, but in case of male it makes him domestic person after marriage.

It is known as inauspicious if such circular motion, is on the neck, center of the head. If it is on the right side of head it brings luck to parents.

If a man with short life line in hand, get married with a lady having auspicious signs or marks on body, then he gets get his longevity prolonged.



In various text of Sage’s Parashars, Varah etc. we wish to give you few of knowing about the persons, we have found them much accurate in modern time too.

Hand, Neck and Back

If the backs of the hands of a person are well build, soft and hairless, such person surely enjoys auspicious effects of his or her all deeds. Such persons are heavenly blessed and have a lot of kindness in their heart.

If lines of palm of the person are clear, pink colored, smooth and full such persons enjoys happiness and all comforts. Ladies having such hand enhances luck of their husbands.

The person who has lines forming the shapes of a balance, elephant, bull or horse becomes the a business man or wife of a businessman (in case of lady).

The person who has lines forming the shape of a house is known as lucky and become parents of very learned children.

The person lives like a king and no malefic impact can touch him, if his wife is having a shape of some arms like sword etc. in her palm.

If fingers of a person are good-looking and soft segments, and forming ring at the end and without hair, they are considered auspicious.

If fingers of a person are very small, without flesh, irregular, widely spaced (not close to each other), hairy, and have more then usual segments or without segment such person losses too much in their life and passes life in poverty.

If the nails of the fingers are pink colored, having good curved and shaped well at the top, such person are very auspicious and presence of such person always bring harmony and peace in others life.

If the nails of the fingers are flat, broken, yellow or white colored or nails with round black spots such persons are very much disturbing and neither they are lucky to them self nor proves lucky for others.

If the back of the person is fleshy and well developed with flesh, and have smooth skin, such person are very auspicious. Friendship with such persons brings a lot of good luck to others.

If the back is with a lot of hair, especially in case of lady, and skin looks thick, such person are very much inauspicious and such lady becomes the reason for destroying may families.

The neck of a lady have three lines or folds, round, well developed and delicate, is known as auspicious and god and goddess remain always happy with such lady and her family as well as friends.

Thick neck lady becomes the reason of mental stress to her husband.

Thick neck gents lives like king but they never care for their family.

If the Neck of a person is irregular built it indicates that the person concerned will become a maid servant and after marriage her husband will see much fall in life

If the Throat of a person is straight, well developed, somewhat raised throat is known as auspicious and lord of intellect and gain showers his blessing to her husband.

If the throat of a person is having very thin flesh with veins and hair is never been recognized as good and such person use to be the reason of fighting in their surrounding


If the chin of a person specially lady is Pink colored, soft and firm chin such lady is very auspicious and such lady employees are known as right hand of office.

If the chin of a lady is broad with hair and a have dimple in it, is not been called as lucky.

If the cheeks of a lady are firm, raised, and round such lady brings a lot of prosperity in family.

If the cheeks of lady are hard skinned, depressed and without flesh such lady use causes a lot of wastage in goods due to which Goddess of prosperity never smiles on the family.

If the mouth of a male is wider and teeth are straight such persons are saints in nature but in case of female it is known otherwise.

In case of female if the moth is of normal size, firm, round emitting fragrance, smooth and good-looking, such ladies always contributes in it is indicative of good luck.

If the moth of lady is wide and having thick lips it is not called as auspicious and such persons like to travel a lot.

If the lower lip of lady is red like a lotus, smooth, divided in the middle and good looking, she becomes a queen or get very authoritative position and get regarded by many peoples.

If the lower lips are without flesh, coarse, long, dry and blackish it is significant of misery and widowhood. It is always best for such person to learn meditation.

If the upper lip of a person is pink colored, smooth and slightly raised in the middle, it is significant of happiness and good fortune. If otherwise, it is known as inauspicious.

A lady whose teeth are smooth, milk white, full in number and whose upper and lower teeth though equal in size are slightly raised, are very lucky and proved as messenger of peace.

Uneven, short and delta or triangle shape teeth indicates that she likes to enjoy on others money and for that they use to change their friends in outer circle.

If a male have short teeth then they are cunning and always use others resources for their bad habits.

If lower teeth are more in number compare to upper teeth and are yellow or black colored, cruel looking, widely spaced or double, such persons bring misfortune in others life.

If the tongue of a lady is red and soft, make sure she is more like a saint and she is destined to enjoys great happiness and comforts in most part of life.

If the tongue of a lady is caved in the middle and spread out in front it indicates much shocks in life and poverty as well as misery always run after her.

White tongue of any person either male of female indicates death due water either water oriented disease or drowning in water.

Dark tongue indicates quarrelsome nature and wrong words from such lady’s mouth usually comes true, hence do not hurt her.

Thick tongue of any lady denotes poverty and she likes to eat out side home or in others place. In case of male such tongue indicates that he will keep his words and will power of such person are very good.

Any lady having long tongue indicates that she is greedy and keeps her self away from truth, for a small gain she can give big loss to any one. But if such tongue is broad also, then such lady gets nervous breakdown or become lunatic in later part of life.

If the lower part of tongue of a lady is red like lotus, soft and smooth it always indicates good luck in life.

If the lower part of tongue of a lady is White in color it indicates much problem in married life.

If the lower part of tongue of a lady is of Yellow in color then such lady get attracted toward holy or mystic world.

If the lower part of tongue of lady is dry or look rough then she get conceived more then 7 times.

When a person laughs, if her cheeks are raised and teeth are not visible, she will be lucky. If it is otherwise, she will not be lucky.

If the nose of a person is smoothly or evenly round and has small nostrils it is always regarded as auspicious.

If the nose is thick in its front part and becomes flat in the middle it is never been regarded as auspicious, it indicates that person will loose many opportunities and will not be rich.

If the tip of the nose is red or and small, it brings health problem or shorter life to better half.
If the nose of a person is flat, such person earns only by labor kind of work.

If the nose of a person is too small or too large nose, it gives very quarrelsome nature and such person never be able to use mind in need.

If the eyes of a person are having black pulps with very bright white portion of the eye large and broad, smooth, with black eye lashes means the person is lucky and will be famous in public appearance.

If the eyes of a person are abnormally outside then it indicates harm in middle age.

If the eyes of a person are round, it denotes that person is having a lot of desire toward fun and meeting others.

If the eyes of a person are honey colored, it indicate a good fortune and happiness in life.

If the eyes of a person are like pigeon it indicates that he is very much wicked in nature.

If the eyes of a person are like an elephant indicate misery through out life, even if he gains a lot of wealth then suddenly it vanishes in few years.

If, by birth, the left eye of a person becomes without power, it indicates a lot of cunning and self-pleasing kind of nature of that person.

If the right eye of a person is having no light, since birth, it impacts the next generation of that person.

If a person is having soft, black, compact with thin hair, eyelashes are always get favor from fortunate.

If a person is having thick eye-lashes and scattered and with tawny colored hair, it indicates much hard time in life.

If the Eyebrows of a lady is round, shaped like a bow, smooth, black, and are not joined and with soft hair, she is blessed with happiness and fame. If a man is having thick hair, brushy and smooth Eyebrows, it gives similar result to him.

If the ears of a person are long with a round turn indicate children and happiness thorough children in life.

If ears of person are small, not well or smooth shaped, very thin, with veins showing up, indicates that even if he or she got birth in king’s family the end of life will be much miserable.

If the skin of ear is thick, even ears are small or big, it gives a person good and orderly life.

If the fore head of a person is without veins showing through, without hair, shaped like a half moon, even, with equal to three fingers, it indicates that against all odd such person will get a lot of fame and remain fortunate in life.

If the forehead of a person is large shiner then his face such person are born saints and their presence always brings peace in others life.

If forehead of a person is very large and highly raised, such person takes very foolish turn in life and makes their life full of misery.

If head of a person is high and round similar to an elephant, such person are blessed with a log of potential and use to have blessings of god with them.

The smooth hair of a person indicates smoothness in life.

If the hairs are soft, thin and yellow in color it indicates that due to some other person they will always remain in problem.

If the color of hairs of a person is honey colored hair and the skin of that person is fair in color, it is regarded as auspicious in Vedic Astrology.

If the color of hair of a person, are black and the complexion of that person is also dark, it is also regarded as auspicious in Vedic astrology. such person use to get smoother life compare to their ancestors.

Lower Part Of Body
If a lady’s portion below the navel, is very soft and spread out and slightly raised lower stomach is known have blessings of god of universe and she get blessings of all kind of comfort and fame in life.

If a lady’s portion below the navel, is hairy, veins showing up and full of lines or folds of wrinkle, it indicates many miseries in life. According to sage Prasar one wrinkle show one separation or one time widowhood.

If hips of a lady are raised, fleshy and widespread then such lady gets a lot of honor and respect in life. If they are contrary that indicates much hurting behave or relatives and in laws after marriage.

If the thighs of a lady are round like the trunk of an elephant, close to each other, soft and without hair, the person concerned will be a quiet and will be very well off and respected.

If the thighs of a lady are flat and hairy and while sitting it becomes just alike to her bone it indicates much poverty-stricken and separation in life or if not separated then use to have other person in life.

If knee of a lady is round, smooth, firm knees such lady remains free from health trouble and health problem never comes in home where she lives.

If the knees are bony and three cut mark also seen at knee when she folds her leg, it indicates that she is very free in nature and never hesitate to do any thing to please her self.

If the knees of a lady is loose and have also loose skin on it then such lady is never considered good for home and such lady and the family in which she lives becomes the pray of poverty.

If the Legs (portion below knees) of a lady are soft, smooth, evenly shaped, round, without hair, good looking and without veins showing up, are signs that the lady will live like a queen and his husband will get a lot of gain after marriage.

If the heels of a lady are even such lady brings harmony to in laws and husband after marriage.

If the heels of a lady are stout and cracks are also there it indicates that she is lazy and may have some problem related to organ.

If the heels of a lady are high and have black lines or mole or mark on heals then such lady never like to sit in home and never hesitate to please herself.

If the heels of a lady are longer then normal it indicates that her husband may not have long life. For astrologer it is very necessary to go through the horoscope of male and female very minutely, as Mars and Rahu of male horoscope gives shield to him.
Middle Part Of Body
If the shoulders of a lady are even, well built up and without joints showing up is destined to bring good luck at working place as well as in home.

If the shoulders of a lady are raised, hairy and without flesh are not proved to be lucky but such ladies are good employees.

The armpits of a lady are sort and having thin hair, well developed and smooth, such ladies use to bring a very hidden cosmic help to every one with whom she talks.

The armpits of a lady are deep, without flesh, filtrate and with veins showing up, such ladies are not called as auspicious and they have much temptation in heart. Temptation does not means that they are factually on going person, but it indicates much desire in their heart.

If the arms of a lady have long (compare to body) and bones are not seen having soft jointed, hairless without obvious veins straight and round such ladies are very auspicious and brings harmony where ever they live.

If the arms of a lady are thin or having less flesh or bony, hairy, small, with seeing veins and irregular in shape such ladies are known as part of hard luck or peace in her family never stays longer. Some time if the mercury is strong in their horoscope, then such impact is much limited to their own life and in life she never feel much joy.

If the thumbs of lady are shaped like a lotus bud (means beautiful) such ladies are gift of god to humanity and seeing them in early morning proves very lucky day.

If the thumbs of a lady are without flesh and irregular in shape, or spread such ladies are usually remain full of tension in life and feels a lot of lacking in life.

If the palms of the person are pink colored, are raised in the middle with fingers close together (with no holes between them), soft and have very few lines, such person enjoys happiness and all comforts throughout the life.

If the palms of ladies are full of lines then she will a lot of hurting or ignored after marriage. If there are too many lines at the Venus mount then she also may have some occult problem.

If there are no lines in the palm then poverty chases her she feels much lacking in day to day life.

If the veins show up in the palm of lady then she use to live on mercy of others.

If the Waist’s circumference of a lady is 24 fingers and do not have lines and also have fats below to waist then it indicates that she will be very fortunate and her presence will bring much gain to the family.

If the Waist of a lady is very thin and do not have much flesh or have flat look and hairy it is not called auspicious for family.

If the Navel of a lady is deep and have circles toward clock wise then it indicates that he all family member will be blessed one and she will be the reason for the harmony in family.

If the Navel is flat then she use to do a lot of hard work to make a normal daily life.

If the Navel is raised one and with anti clock turns and also have knots it considered as inauspicious and she also see more then two males in life.

The breasts of a lady are of equal size, fleshy, round and firm but close together, she enjoys a lot of blessing of mother earth and use to get married to a very learned and rich family. Even if she do not get married in a rich family but after her marriage that family get all the worldly comforts.

If any pregnant lady have raised right breast it indicates that she will have son otherwise daughter.

If any pregnant lady got reduced breasts while pregnancy then there may get some problem in pregnancy.

If chest of a person is even and hairless it is indicates that the person have got blessing of heavenly souls through out the life.

A stomach well spread it indicates that he will be blessed with a well formed sexual organ and will have sons compare to daughters.

If the stomach of a person looks like stomach of a frog then his or her son will become a king or will live like a king and will get a lot of fame and gain.

If the stomach is three wrinkles then such lady becomes, she will become an holy person.