Vastu Sastra (Shastra)
Adjacent Plot - Basement - Bathrooms - Bedrooms - Compound Wall - Dining Room - House Warming - Inside Building - Kitchen - Land - Living (Sitting) -Main Door - Outside Building - Parking - Plants - Roads - Roof - Safe Room - Stairways - Storage Room - Study RoomTrees - Upper Floor - Worship (Temple) Room - Water Source
Where we live can influence our happiness, wealth, health, and prosperity. The Vastu Shastra is the Vedic science of building. When one studies the Vastu Shastra, he learns to create buildings that favorably influence those things that bring us happiness.
The Vastu Shastra considers the astrological placement of the Sun, Earth, and other planets during the actual construction. It also considers where the building site is located, the site’s shape, the proposed building’s shape, the direction the building will face, the location of gates, entry doors, room doors, windows, and the building’s general design. North and east are considered important directions—east because it is the direction from which the sun rises.
Assessing the Land
When purchasing a property, it is a good idea to stand on the land and feel its vibration for a few moments. Trust your feelings. If you feel positive about it, consider buying the land. If not, it is probably not good for you. It is best to buy land where happy and successful people have lived. A house sold by a person in distress or who is impoverished, should be purchased only with caution. A dilapidated or haunted house should not be purchased at all. The land should be cultivatable and should smell good. It is best not to build on nonarable land. Land that contains many rocks, anthills, many worms, bones, broken pottery, sludge, and thorny trees should not be purchased. If the center of the land is humped like the shell of a turtle, it should not be purchased. The color of the soil should also be considered. White soil is good for brahmans (priests, teachers, scientists, or intellectuals), red for ksatriyas (rulers, soldiers, or administrators), yellow for vaisyas (businessmen, farmers or bankers), and black for sudras (laborers, artisans, craftsmen, or servants). When you assess the soil, do not just make a surface check, but also dig about 4m (12 ft) down. If the soil is black up to 1m (3 ft) down and white or red below that, the land can be purchased. According to Vastu Shastra, black and clayey soil is not good for building. If the soil is crumbly rock, money can easily be gotten. Yellow soil is good for businessmen.
Another test of land quality is to dig a knee-deep hole (2/3m or 2'x2'x2') and then refill it. If after filling the hole you have some soil left over, the land is good. If there is no soil left after filling the hole, the land is average. If the returned soil does not even fill the hole, this is not a good sign. Such land should not be purchased. This shows the soil’s natural moisture and aeration.Again dig the same sized hole. This time, fill it with water. If it takes more than an hour for the water to be absorbed, this is a good sign. If there are many cracks in the hole after the water has been absorbed, the construction may cost more than you expect. This is a percolation test done even in the U.S. to test for clay deposits. The cracks indicate clay soil, which is not best for water drainage and can cause foundation problems, etc. Also, wastes are not carried away properly, which can bring disease.
Do not purchase land that has been used as a crematorium, cemetery, or a samadhi (tomb for a holy person). The land should not be purchased if in the recent past someone has committed suicide on it, or if there have been several deaths over the period of a couple of months. It is usually best not to purchase land next to a bridge. If the bridge is on the north or east sides, it definitely should not be purchased. If it is on the south or west sides, that is a safer purchase.
It is also usually best not to purchase land that shares a well with another property. The land can be purchased, however, if the water supply is a common well on the north, east, or northeast side. A plot of land situated on a hill is also not a good purchase in most cases. It is better to purchase level ground. If the land to be purchased is on the side of a hill, however, and the land slopes down toward the north or east, that is all right. If the land slopes to the west, do not purchase it. After choosing and purchasing land, plants should be grown on the land. Also, if possible, keep a cow and her calf on the land for a while to make it more auspicious.
The Land
The direction that the front of a property faces is important. The best shapes for plots of land are square or rectangular, facing squarely on the four cardinal directions. A land tilt of 20 degrees, off square by 20 degrees, is acceptable. If the plot is rectangular, it is better that the longer sides run north to south rather than west to east. If the plot of land does not squarely face the four cardinal directions, and if the road does not run in one of the four cardinal directions, the house should be built facing the four directions The house should be square or rectangular, and the faces of the building should each be toward a cardinal direction, and not built facing the road. It is not good to purchase a piece of land squeezed between two larger pieces of land as such land will bring its owner poverty. The northeast side of the land should be the lowest side. If the northeast side is at a higher elevation than other sides of the property, you can dig soil from that one side and use it to build up the other parts. The land should either slope down toward the north or east, but not toward the west or south. Land sloping north brings riches, sloping east brings good fortune, sloping south brings ruin, and sloping west brings financial loss.
It is auspicious if tall buildings or hills do not obstruct the north, northeast, and east sides of the land. Do not purchase land with such obstructions to those sides because the sun’s rays will be blocked.Having those same obstructions blocking the west or south sides, however, bring health and wealth—light coming from the southwest is not beneficial. The sun’s rays traveling westward are considered harmful. Thus such obstructions block out harmful rays.For the same reason, a water source located on the southwest side of a building will cause the owner misery. Similarly, there should be a minimum number of doors and windows set into the southwest side of a building; the majority of windows should be set in the northeast side. The boundary walls around a property should be higher in the west and south and lower in the north and east.
It is auspicious if the plot has a river or a stream flowing through it on the northeast, or if there is a lake on the same side. It is not auspicious if there is an electrical power supply or large electric pole on the northeast side of the plot. A telephone pole is not negative in the northeast, however. There should not be any valley, a depression in the land, or large pit around the land.
Construction should not stop once it begins. Workers should not be unnecessarily pushed to speed up their work; work for the day should stop at sunset. No construction should be done at night. A qualified engineer should always oversee the construction. Building materials should be stored in the southwest corner of the property during construction. The storage area or structure can also be built in the southeast corner, at least 1m (3 ft) from the property boundary. The guard should stay in a house in the southeast corner. Thieves will be a danger if the guard stays in the northwest corner, and the guard should not stay in the southwest corner. Order of construction: the well, the storage house, and then the boundary wall.
Roads in Relation to Land
A square piece of land surrounded by roads on four sides is considered very good. It should be purchased even if at a high cost. A person who owns this land will become wealthy, healthy, and happy. If a road runs alongside the property and ends at the northeast corner, that is also very good. If a road ends on any other parts of the property, however, that plot is usually not good. A road on the north side of the property is good, but a road on the south side is not so good. If there is only one road, it is best if it is located on the east side. It is not so good if it is located on the west side. If there are roads on only the east and north side, that is good. If there are roads on the west and north, it is average. Roads on the north, west, and east—that is, only on these three sides—is not so good. Roads on the north, south, and west is also not so good. It is inauspicious if there are three roads only on the east, south, and west.Land should also not be next to a T or Y intersection.
Negative Location of Land
There are other aspects of land assessment that should be considered. The plot should not be within twice the distance of the height of the house to a public place—a hospital, factory, temple, church, marriage hall, courthouse, cemetery, or cremation grounds. There should not be a laundry place, shoe shop, meat shop, or workshop with loud machinery opposite the property.The house should be at least 25m (80 ft) from the entrance of a temple. The property’s gate should not face a temple or church, and the shadow of a temple or church should not fall on the house.If the public place is twice the distance of the height of the house away from the house, it will have no effect.
Building Material
Only new bricks, wood, and materials should be used when building a new house. Materials from an old building should not usually be used to build a new one in case those old materials repeat negative incidents that occurred in the old house. There is unhappiness in using old things. If there are old materials available, better to sell them and use the money to buy new materials. Wood from thorny trees should not be used, as it will have a negative effect. Materials that have been stored for a long time should also not be used. Iron grills should only be used when needed.
Shape of the Land
The best properties are either square or rectangular. If the plot is not a perfect rectangle, it is best if at least the southwest and southeast sides of the land are at 90ยบ angles from one another. The southwest side of the quadrilateral should definitely not be extended past the southeast side, even if that means giving away a portion of the plot. Land that extends past the northeast side of the quadrilateral, however, brings wealth, happiness, and good name. Land extending on the northeast side is very good. Extensions on any other side are inauspicious. Extensions of the northwest side will cause you to lose money and peace. If the land is cut in the corner this is not good. If possible the land to fill in the missing corner should be purchased. If the land is cut short on the northeast side it is very bad and is not aspicious; do not purchase it. It is like a headless body. Round, oval, and triangular plots should be avoided. The house should not be built in the shape of a diamond, with the corner facing north. L-shaped plots are also inauspicious and should not be purchased. It is good if the plot is narrower at the entrance and wider at its rear, but the opposite is not good.
Well or Water Source
It is advised that the first construction project for the new house is to dig the well. If water is used from this well for the construction, it is auspicious for the family who will live in the house. It is best that the well or water source is on the north or northeast side of the land, or if water comes from the municipality, it should enter from the northeast side. If you draw a line from the southeast corner to the northeast corner, the well should be to the right or left of the line, not on it.
The well can also be in the north or east sides of the property. The well should not be in the northwest or southeast corners, as this is inauspicious. It is especially inauspicious if the well is dug in the southwest corner. It is also inauspicious to have a well in the middle of a house. Wells should be round. Ideally, the well water should be exposed to sunlight for five hours a day. It is not recommended to share wells between two properties. The well should be dug after puja (worship) has been performed on the land at an astrologically auspicious time. This will insure that the water will be pure. The well should be dug under an auspicious star, such as Rohini, Hasta, Uttara Bhadrapada, Uttara, etc. It should be dug on an auspicious day—a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. The well should be dug during a downward-facing constellation or star, such as, Krittika, Purva Phalguni, Mula, Bharani, Ashlesha, Purva Bhadrapada, or Purvashadha.Water departing from the kitchen and bathroom should flow to the northeast and leave the house from this side.
Compound Wall and Gate
The compound wall should be built before the house is constructed. Construction should begin during an auspicious constellation, and on a favorable day—a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. It should also be begun during an auspicious day of the lunar month—Pratipada, Panchami, Shashthi, Dashami, Ekadashi, or Purnima. The compound wall should not be higher than the house, and construction of it should begin on the southwest side. The southwest part of the wall should be higher than the rest of the wall. The walls on the north and east sides should be 53cm (21 inches) shorter than on the west and south sides. If this is not possible, then the north and east sides should be a minimum of 8cm (3 inches) shorter. Do not set the gate on the south side. It is best that there are two gates to the compound, so evil things entering one gate will exit from the other.
Outside of Main Building
It is best if the house is built on the southwest section of the land. Any open space should be to the north and east. Open space on the west side of the land is not good for the family’s male members. It is also good to keep a tulasi plant in the northeast corner.The electric generators should be situated on the southeast section of the plot, not the northeast, which is inauspicious. Loud machinery should not be placed near the house. If there is to be a swimming pool, waterfalls, or fountains, they should be set to the north, east, or northeast. Gardens, plants, or the lawns should also be set to the north, east, or northeast. Plants should be less than 1m (3 ft) in height. Swings should be to the north or east, and should swing from east to west. Outdoor seats should be placed in the south or west of the open area, and people should face north or east while sitting.
It is considered inauspicious to block the entrance to a house, such as with a tree or telephone pole. If one of these things is more than twice the distance of the house’s height away, it will not have any effect.Trash or dirty water should not be kept near a house’s entrance (or the entrance to a place of business), and neither should it be kept near the property’s entrance. An unclean stream or pool of unclean water should not be located in front of the house.Annexes or outhouses should not be on the north or east sides of the house, and they definitely should not touch the eastern or northern boundary walls.
A garage, building, or servants’ quarters built separately from the house should be located to the southeast or northwest of the main house but should not touch any of the boundary walls. Ideally such quarters should not touch the southeast corner, but should be slightly west (without touching the east wall). They should also not touch the northwest corner but should be slightly south (without touching the north wall). They should be established about 1m (3 ft) from the wall.
Cars should be parked facing east or north. A car should never be parked facing south. If a car is parked facing west or northwest, the owner will spend a long time traveling. The parking lot should be in the northwest corner of the property. It should not be located to the southwest or northeast. Parking can also be located in the basement, on the north or east side. A parking garage should not be connected to the compound wall or the main building. The parking garage should be painted a light color, not a dark color
The roof of the house should slope towards the northeast and rainwater should flow to the north, east, or northeast direction.
Balconies and Verandahs
Balconies, verandahs, and terraces should ideally be built on the north, northeast, or east sides of the house, not on the south or west sides. If a balcony is on the southwest side of a house, it should be covered and closed.
The floor or roof over a balcony or terrace should be lower than the floor or roof of the main building. It is best if the verandah’s roof is slanted toward the northeast. Tin is a good roofing material for such structures. The verandah’s corners should not be rounded, and balconies should not have arches.Flowerpots on the verandah should be small. No creepers should be planted on a verandah. The seats on the verandah should be set on the south or west sides.
Shoes can be removed and placed on the verandah. They should not be placed to the northeast.
Inside the Building
Furniture, such as sofas, should be placed in the southeast, south, or west sides of a room. The house’s owner should sit facing north or east, and his guests should sit facing west or south.It is best that the northeast corner of each room in the house be left empty. If furniture must be set in the northeast corner, it should be set 15cm (six inches) from the wall. Do not align doors within the house. One door should not lead directly into another. It is best when a student studies that he face north, northeast, or east. Therefore a table in a study room should be placed in the south or west sides of the room. Books should be stored in the southwest side of the room.
Do not keep money in a place facing south. When one prays, he should face either north or east.
Beds should face either west or south to insure that when a person rises in the morning, he is facing either north or east. While asleep, one should place his head to the south, east, or west, not north. If one’s place of worship is in the bedroom (in the northeast), one should sleep with his head facing east to avoid pointing his feet toward the altar.Mirrors should be placed on the north or east walls, not on the south or west walls. Do not keep broken mirrors in the house. Clocks should be placed on the west, north, or east walls. Clothes should be washed in the southeast corner of the house.
Medicine should be kept in the northeast corner of the house, and a person should face northeast while taking it. It is best to nurse those who are ill in the southwest corner of the house, although the northwest corner is also good. Rainwater and wastewater should leave the house from the northeast side. It should flow west to east or south to north. There should be an even number of columns and beams in the house, not odd. Doors should generally be made from a single piece of wood and should open on the left side. A television can be placed in the southeast side of a room. An overhead water tank should be located in the southwest side of a building. Stairways should be on the south, southwest, or west sides of a building. Certain pictures should not be hung in a house such as nudes, animals fighting, captured elephants, hunting scenes, trees without fruits or flowers, snakes, owls, bats, vultures and pigeons.
Entrance Gate and Main Door
The main door of the house should be larger than the other doors entering the house. The main door should have two shutters and open to the inside of the building. Teak is a good material for the entrance door. It is best that a house has two entrances. The exit door should be smaller than the entrance, and it should have only one shutter. If there are two external doors for the house, they should not be set in a straight line. When one enters the house, there should not be a wall in front of the entrance. There should be a door that opens to the next room. A shadow should not fall on the main door. The main door of the house should not be below ground. Neither should the main door be in the center of the house, nor in the extreme corners. If the door is set in the north wall, move it east of center; if it’s in the east wall, move it north of center. If it is set in the south wall, it should be moved east of center; if it is in the west wall, move it south of center. Some authorities say that if the house’s entrance is in the west wall. It should be centered.Some Vastu authorities say that to figure out where to place a main door, divide the house into nine parts. The door should be in the fourth section of the house from the left hand side. From the right side of the house, the entrance is in the sixth division from the right.
The main door should not be situated across from the main door of another house. The entrance doors of two houses should not be exactly opposing one another. Neither should two houses share a common entrance. If the entrance of the house is to the south, there should not be a balcony or verandah in front of the door. It is good to set gates to both the property and the entrance to the house on the north or east sides. It is also all right to have the main door on the west wall. It is not advised to have the main entrance on the south side. It is considered auspicious if the entrance to the property and the main door of the house are on the same side. It is not considered good if the main door to the house is on the opposite side to the entrance of the property. There should not be an underground tank, septic tank, or canal under the main entrance. There should not be any abandoned, wrecked buildings in front of the main entrance. It is good to decorate a house’s entrance with pictures or statues of Laksmi, Ganesh or Kuvera and auspicious signs such as OM or the Swastika. Inauspious pictures should not be on the door. Doors should have thresholds. Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but to the side.The door should not be slanted, sliding, or circular.
Overhead Water Tank
The overhead water tank should be in the southwest (best) or west corners of the building. An overhead water tank should not be located in the northeast or southeast corners, or in the middle of the roof. It is also best that it is not located in the northwest unless the tank is small and is located approximately 1m (2 or 3 ft) from the building’s corner. The tank should be elevated at least 1m (2 or 3 ft) above the roof, on a platform.If possible, the tank should not be made of plastic. If it must be plastic, however, it should either be black or dark blue plastic, because such colors aid the absorption of sunlight. A dark water tank while absorbing sun for heat doesn’t encourage microbial growth as quickly as a light-colored tank would do.If possible, there should be different tanks for the kitchen and bathrooms.
The House
It is best if the building’s walls are higher on the west and south sides and lower on the north and east sides. Also, the south and west walls should be thicker than the north and east walls, if possible. The building’s floor and roof should be higher on the south and west sides, lower on the north and east sides. Neither the ground nor the building should be higher in the northeast than in the southwest. Rooms in the House
Worship (Temple) Room
Worship should be done in the northeast, north, or east sides of the house. It is best that the temple room is in the northeast corner of the house. The worship room should not be to the south. The place of worship should be on the ground floor and not upstairs. The altar should be located on the northeast side of the temple room. The deities or pictures of the deities should either face east or west, and should not face north or south. It is best that the Deities face west and the worshipers face east. The altar should not be set into the wall but should be at least 2.5 cm (an inch) from it. The door to the temple room should have two shutters. Toilets should never be above or below the place of worship. White, light yellow, or light blue are good colors for a temple room. It is good if the worship room is shaped like a pyramid, sloping inward as it goes upward toward the roof in the four directions.
The kitchen should ideally be in the southeast corner of the house, its windows on the east and south sides. There can also be a window on the west side. If the kitchen cannot be in the southeast corner, it is all right to place it in the northwest corner. But in general, the kitchen should not be in the north, and should certainly not be in the northeast corner. Locating the kitchen to the southwest will cause problems. The kitchen should not be next to or across from a toilet, nor should it be directly in front of the main door.
Cooking should be done in the southeast corner or on the east side of the kitchen. It is best to cook while facing east, but facing north is also all right. It is advisable not to put the stove on the northern wall. The cooking platform should not touch the wall but should be placed at least 8 cm (3 inches) from the wall. The stove should not be in front of the kitchen’s door.Electrical items such as microwaves, grinders, and mixers should be placed in the southeast corner of the kitchen. The sink should be in the northeast corner. The southwest wall should be used for storage.
The refrigerator should be in the northwest, southeast, south, or west. It should not be placed on the northeast side. If it is on the southwest side of the kitchen, be sure to set it away from the wall. If there is a dining table in the kitchen, it should be placed on the north or west side. The door to the toilet should not face the dining table. Kitchens should be painted yellow, rose, red, orange, or chocolate brown. If possible, do not paint the walls white or black.
Living (Sitting) Room
The living room should be on the north side of the house. Furniture should be square or rectangular, not round or oval. It is good if the ceiling slopes down toward the northeast direction. The air-conditioner should be in the west, not the southeast. Furniture should mainly be in the west and south section of the room. The walls should be painted white, yellow, green, or blue, never red or black. Depressing paintings should not be placed on the walls.
The main bedroom should be on the southwest or northwest side of the house. If there is an upper story in the house, the master bedroom should be on this floor, in the southwest corner. Adult married children can also use this room. Younger children, however, should not use it because that will cause trouble in the household. Bedrooms on the northeast side of the house will also cause trouble.
The children’s bedrooms should be in the northwest or west. The younger children’s bedroom can also be on the east side of the house, Newly married couples should not use a bedroom on the east side.Guest bedrooms are best located in the northwest corner, but can also be located in the northeast corner.
Bedroom walls should be painted a light rose, dark blue, dark green, gray, etc. Some authorities say that the walls should not be painted white or a light yellow. The door should be set in the east, west or north, and should ideally be one shutter.
One should sleep in his own house with his head facing east or south. If one is staying in someone else’s house, or while traveling, he should sleep with his head facing west. One should never sleep with his head facing north. Upon rising from bed, the right foot should be placed on the floor first.If one is to study in the bedroom, the east side should be used. The wardrobe should be located on the northwest or southwest side of the bedroom. TV, heaters, and air conditioners should be located in the southeast corner.
The southwest corner of the room should not be vacant. An attached bathroom could be built on the west or north sides of the room. It is best not to keep the safe in a bedroom, but if this is the only place for the safe, it should be located on the south wall, opening north.
Safe Room
Money, valuables, or a safe should be stored in a room on the north side of the house. This is the side of Kubera, the god of wealth. The door to this room should be facing north or east. The walls should be painted yellow, because yellow leads to an increase of wealth.
If a safe is large, it can be placed in the south, southwest, or west sides of the house, but it should always be set a few inches from the wall. It should not be in the southwest or southeast corner, and should definitely not be in a northeast corner. The safe should face north and open toward the north or east. It is inauspicious to have a safe opening to the south—this will cause a loss of money. The safe should not be located under any beams.Safes should be installed on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, when the Sun is in the constellations of Dhanishtha, Rohini, Uttara, Swati, Shravan or Punarvasu.
Dining Room
The dining room should be located on the west side of the house, or on the east or north side of the building. If the kitchen is on the ground floor, the dining room should not be on an upper floor but should also be located on the ground floor.The door leading into the dining room should be on the east, north, or west side of the room. It should not have arches. The house’s main entrance door should not face the dining room’s door.It is best to face east or west while eating. The head of the family should face east during meals. Other members of the family can face east, north, or west, but it is not advisable to face south.he dining table should not be round or oval but either square or rectangular. It should not fold from the wall or be attached to the wall.A sink can be located in the northeast corner of the dining room, or on the north or east sides of the room. No toilets should be attached to the dining room.
Bathrooms can be on the west or northwest sides of the building, but not on the eastern or northeastern sides. The toilet room should also not be located on the southeast, the southwest, or in the center of the building. The morning sun falling on the body after bathing is good, so windows should be set in the north or east sides of the room. Ideally, toilets should face south, not east or west (in the direction of the sun). The toilet should be located on the west or northwest side of the room and should be built 30–60cm (1 or 2 feet) above the ground.An attached bathroom should be on the west or northwest side of a room, never on the northeast side. Sinks should be placed on the northeast, north, or east sides of the room. Bathtubs should be located on the northeast, west, or east sides. Bathroom walls should be painted white, sky blue, or another light shade. Do not use black or dark red. Water should leave the bathroom from the east or northeast side. Water should not leave from the southwest or southeast directions. The overhead septic tank should be on the northwest side of the house.
Study Room
The library or study should be located on the west side of the building, but should not be located in the corners of the house. When using a library or study, it is best to sit facing east or north. The bookshelves should not be in the northwest or southwest corner. Books should be in the east, north, or west sides of the room. The door should be two-shuttered and should be located in the northeast, north, or west. Windows can be set on the east, north, or west walls. The walls should be painted white, sky blue, cream, or light green. If one will not sleep in the room, a pyramidal shape (walls sloping inward as they go upward towards the ceiling) will help study and meditation.
Storage Area
The storage areas should be located in the northwest part of the building, but not in the north or east. The storage room door should not be on the southwest side of the room. Storage cabinets should be located on the west or north sides of the room. Butter, ghee, oil, and cooking gas should be kept in the southeast corner.
Best to build stairways on the southwest, or if necessary, on the south or west sides of the house. Do not build stairways on the northeast side, as it will cause loss of wealth. The staircase should go up from east to west or north to south. The same stairway that goes to the upper floor should not also go down to the basement. Stairways should be built with an odd number of stairs—9, 11, or 15 steps, for example. The number of stairs should not end with a zero if you must build an even number—there should not be 10 or 20 steps—because it is best to begin climbing steps with the right foot and also to end the climb on the right foot. This is not possible when there is an even number of stairs. The right foot is equated with gain, the left with loss.Circular stairways are not good. The doorway at the top of the stairway should be at least 20cm (8 inches) lower than the doorway at the bottom of the stairs. Broken stairs should be repaired immediately to avoid accidents. The stairway should be painted a light color. The worship room, safe, or toilet should not be located under a staircase.
Basements should ideally not be built under the entire house. If that is impossible, use only the northeast section. Heavy equipment can be kept on the south and west sides. It is best that the basement should only be in the northeast side of a house. It can also be located on the east side of the house. It should not, however, be located only on the south, southeast, or west side. The floor of the basement should slope downward towards the northeast. The walls should be at least 3m (9 ft) high. The basement should be painted white but should not be blue. The heater, water heater, or electrical panels should be in the southeast corner of the basement. Since sunrays do not enter basements, this highly reduces the basement’s positive effect on the persons living in them. Therefore, a basement should not be used for living as far as possible. Basements are also not good places to conduct business. The basement’s effects will be improved if one-fourth of the basement is above ground.
A mezzanine or loft should be built on the south, west, or southwest sides of a room.
Position of RoomsDirections Ruling Planet Room
North Mercury Living (Sitting) room safe
Northeast Jupiter Worship room living room
East Sun Living room bathing room (no toilet)
Southeast Venus Kitchen
South Mars Kitchen storeroom
Southwest Rahu Master bedroom heavy storage
West Saturn Children’s bedroom store room study
Northwest Moon Guest room bathroom grain storage room
Upper Floor
It is best that there are more doors and windows on the north and east sides of the building. There should be fewer windows and doors on the upper floors than on the lower ones. It is also said that the number of doors and windows on the upper floor should not equal the amount of doors and windows on the ground floor. The ceiling height of the rooms on the upper floor should be less than the ceiling height of the rooms on the ground floor. If only part of the upper floor is used, this part should be built in the southwest area. The balcony should be on the north, east, or northeast side. The balcony should not be in the southwest corner. Bedrooms and studies should be located on the upper floor. A storage area for heavy items should be located on the lower floor, and not the upper.
Trees and Plants
It is always good to grow a tulasi plant on one’s property. Tulasi should be located on the north, northeast, or east sides of the house, or in front of the house. Trees should not be planted directly in front of the house’s main entrance. There should be an even number of trees on one’s property, not an odd number.Trees should be planted on the south or west sides of the house. Ideally, they should be planted on both these sides rather than on only one side. It is not good to plant a tall tree on the north, northeast, or east sides of a building.
Smaller trees may be planted on the east or north sides, but no trees should be planted in the northeast corner. Tall trees should not be too close to a building as they block the sunlight. A tree’s shadow should not fall on the house.Large trees should not be located too near the house as their roots can damage the foundation and compound wall. Also, the roots of large trees absorb sunlight quickly, meaning these positive rays will not be received by the building. Do not allow tree branches to touch the house.
Stone sculptures and rock gardens should be located on the southwest side of the house because they are heavy. Thorny plants should not be planted near the house. Cactus should not be planted at all. Thorny plants other than roses have a negative energy. Ideally all thorny plants should be pulled up and destroyed. A list of good trees to plant: coconut, neem, betal, sandalwood, lemon, pineapple, bilva, almond, jackfruit, pomegranate, mango, amla, and katha. Banyan and pipal (aswatha) are sacred trees; they should usually only be planted near a temple or at a sacred place.
Creepers or other plants should not be grown by using the building or compound wall as support. Creepers should only be grown in a garden, and they should have their own independent supports. Plants should be planted during auspicious constellations. Saplings should first be planted in clay pots and only later placed in the ground. This enables them to grow better. If a tree must be removed because it is inauspicious or for other reasons, it should be removed in the months of Magh or Bhadrapada. The day before cutting the tree, worship it and express regret that it must be removed from its rooting. Promise to plant a new tree in its place. Do so within three months. When cutting the tree, it should fall east or north, not south or west.
Worship of Land
Certain rituals can be performed before construction on the plot begins. The land should be installed at an auspicious time, during an auspicious constellation. Mondays and Thursdays are auspicious days for such rituals. Ideally, a qualified astrologer should set the time of installation.
Worship should be done in the northeast corner of the land. Before installing the land, it should be cleared. Dirt, stones, holes in the ground, and trash should be removed. Thorny bushes should also be uprooted and removed. The installation should not be done if a woman in the household is more than seven months pregnant. The groundbreaking ceremony for the house should only be done during the Uttarayan period, when the sun is in the northern hemisphere, and when the days are longer than the nights, from June 21 through December 20.
House Warming
Before entering a new house, a house-warming ceremony should be performed. A good time to enter a new house is in the period of Uttarayan, from June 21 through December 20, in the months of Vaishaka, Shravan, and Margashirsh, in the constellation of Uttara, Magha, Ashwini, Swati, Pushya, and Revati, on an auspicious day. It is good to confirm this time with a qualified astrologer. Ganesh-puja, Navagraha-puja (worship of the nine planets), and worship of the Vastupratima (building deity) should be performed. The residents of the building should then circumambulate the building. Then puja should be done to the threshold.
Purchasing the Adjacent Plot
If one wishes to purchase the land adjacent to one’s own property, it should be purchased on a Monday, Thursday, or Friday, during an auspicious constellation such as Vaishaka, Purva, Ashlesha, Mrig, Revati, Mul, or Anuradha.The land one already owns can be extended to the north, east, or northeast. The northwest corner should not be extended. If a plot is available in the southwest, west, or south sides, it should not be purchased, as it will cause misfortune and loss. If the northeast plot is available, purchase it. It is best if the adjacent lot on the northeast side is at a lower elevation than the land already owned. If such land is purchased, the dividing wall should be taken down. As far as possible, you should not construct buildings on this land.
General Information
One should not sit or sleep under a beam. One should not hang paintings depicting violence, war, crime, or distress on the walls. Sweep all cobwebs from the house—they are inauspicious. Cobwebs are signs of the mode of ignorance. Creaking doors are also inauspicious and should be oiled immediately. Such sounds cut the ether and allow subtle living entities to enter through the “hole,” as does whistling.The shadow of a temple should not fall on the house. There should not be a mountain on the east side of the house, close enough that its shadow falls on the house.
The sun’s rays from 6 to 9 a.m. are the most beneficial because at this time, they are coming from the east. When the sun’s rays are coming from the west between 3 and 6 p.m., the sun’s rays are not considered beneficial.Sometimes after a house is constructed, it can be remodeled to make the vibrations more favorable to the residents. Often by making positive changes according to the Vastu Shastra to an already-built house, the fortunes of the residents change radically for the better. It is also best that persons own their homes and do not live in rental properties. If part of the house is to be rented out to others, it should be the north or northeast side. Only the owner should use the south side. It is not good to leave a house vacant for more than four months. The ground floor of the house should be kept occupied; but it is acceptable if the upper floor is vacant.
Construction of buildings
Cosmic Home
Vaastu is the study of design and construction of living environments that are in harmony with the physical and metaphysical forces/ energies of the cosmos such as the gravitational, electromagnetic and supernatural. Though Vastu is conceptually similar to Feng Shui in that it also tries to harmonize the flow of energy (Also called Life-force, and Prana in Sanskrit, similar to Chi in Chinese) through the house, it differs in the details, such as the exact directions in which various objects, rooms, materials etc are to be placed.
Elaborated in ancient texts such as Manasara Silpa Shastra by Manasara, Mayamatam by Maya, Viswakarma Vaastushastra by Viswakarma, Samarangana Sutradara by Raja Bhoja, Silparatna, etc., Vaastu Shastra is among the traditional Hindu principles of town planning and architecture, and deals with the various aspects of designing and building environments that are in harmony with the physical and spiritual energies of the cosmos. This holistic approach to space and form is also the reason behind its current mainstream popularity. Vaastu Shastra evolved as an answer to the need for healthy living, and was used extensively in temple design and structure. While it can be argued that Vaastu Shastra is conceptually similar to Feng Shui since both serve to harmonize the flow of energy through the house, it differs in the details, such as the exact directions in which various objects, rooms, materials etc are to be placed.
Vaastu refers to the actual physical manifestation of the dwelling, and is represented by the following:
The earth/ site - Bhoomi, the principal dwelling place on which everything else rests, The structures built on the earth - Prasada, Movable objects (vehicles) - Yaana, Furniture - Sayana, The principles of Vaastu Shastra thus, extend across the complete spectrum - site selection, site planning and orientation, zoning and disposition of rooms, proportional relationships between the various parts of buildings and the character of buildings.
Philosophy of Vaastu
Vaastu is based on the concept of space (subtle energy) as a dynamic element from which all objects of nature come into existence and into which all ultimately disappear. The frequency of vibration of this subtle energy, based on a particular rhythm or time measure, causes the birth and development of all objects of nature. The main aim of vaastu is to create building spaces in harmony with nature. An architect trained in the science and technology of vastu and vaastu designs the building so that its vibrations are numerically equal to the vibrations of the occupants of the building which is determined by their birth stars.
Vaastu Purusha Mandala
Purusha refers to energy, power, soul or cosmic man, while Mandala is the generic name for any plan, which serves as a symbolic representation of the cosmos. A specific type of mandala used in Vaastu Shastra, the Vaastu Purusha Mandala is central to Vaastu Shastra, and serves as the mathematical and diagrammatic basis for generating an architectural design which incorporates the influence of physical, environmental and spiritual factors. The symmetrical geometric shapes of the mandalas draw the attention of the viewer towards their center.
In Hindu cosmology the surface of the earth is represented as a square, the most fundamental of all Hindu forms, where the four corners refer to the four directions, North, South, East and West. It is called Chaturbhuji, four cornered, and is represented in the symbolic form of the Prithvi Mandala. Vaastu Purusha identifies the importance of an area by placing his head to the north-east (balanced thinking) and his lower body to the south-west (stability and strength). His navel is in the center of the area (cosmic awareness) and his hands to the north-west and south-east (movement and energy). Thus, while modern architects tend to pay greater emphasis on the aspects such as aesthetics, ventilation, sunlight orientation and location, the Vaastu Purusha looks into the metaphysical (spiritual) aspects of a structure too. The mandala provides a useful design module for locating the various rooms of a habitation, the measurements of which are based on a set of six formulae normally referred to as the Ayadi Shadvarga. According to the legend of the Vaastu Purusha, a formless being once blocked the heaven from the earth. Brahma, along with the other Gods was forced to trap him to the ground. This incident is depicted graphically in the Vaastu Purusha Mandala with portions allocated hierarchically to each God based on the contributions and positions in performing this act. Brahma occupies the central portion, the Brahmasthana, with the other Gods distributed around in a concentric pattern, The Vaastu Purusha is the presiding deity of any site. Usually he is depicted as lying on it with the head in the Northeast and the legs in the Southwest but he keeps changing his position throughout the year.
Directions and their respective rulers
North-east (Ishaan) - ruled by Sadasiva or God Himself. Hence this direction is the most important, and deserves to be kept scrupulously clean, open and highly receptive. East - ruled by Indra, the chief of the gods, giver of pleasures. The direction also represents the realm of the rising Sun projecting ultra-violet rays, and is hence essential for health. South-east - ruled by Agni, is the habitat of fire, the storehouse of energy. South - the abode of Yama, the god of death. South-west - (Nairitya) is the abode of Putna demoness. West - ruled by Varuna, the god of ocean. North-west - (Vayavva) is the abode of air/wind, the invisible, but the most effective direction for all objects in need of motion/movement for their efficiency. North - the abode of Kuber, the god of wealth.
Directions and Deities
The principal deities of each direction (called the ashtadikpalar) are:
* Northeast- Ruled by Lord of all quarters or Eeshwara Siva
* East- Ruled by Sun God - Aditya
* Southeast- Ruled by Lord of Fire - Agni
* South- Ruled by Lord of Death - Yama
* Southwest- Ruled by ancestors
* West- Ruled by Lord of water
* Northwest- Ruled by Lord Of Winds
* North- Ruled by Lord of Wealth
* Centre- Ruled by Lord/Creator of the Universe
After selecting a proper and auspicious plot, and having performed the rites of laying the foundation (Shilanyas ceremony) on an auspicious day, work should be started to construct the building according to preplanned measurements and design shown in map drawn on suitable scale. Directions, level etc. should always be kept in mind. A little carelessness may cause some default in the construction which would put the whole family in troubles and the life would be unhappy.
First of all it is necessary to consider the construction of walls. Stone wall should be raised along the outer edge of the floor. Brick wall should be raised keeping half of it out and half inside edge. Mud-wall built on the inner side is good.
According to Rudrayamal: -
Pashane Sarvato baha mishtikayam tadadhakam;
Mrittikayam pindmatra mityuktam Rudrayamale.
If upper part of a wall is heavier than the lower part, which is not uniformly made, which is thicker at some places, thinner at other places, such a wall causes financial loss. The wall should have thickness equal to one-sixteenth part of the width of the room, wall of thickness more or less than this is not good for the house owner. It was given for mud-walls only. Brick walls can be made of any thickness as may be required. Bricks used should be all new or all old, old bricks should not be mixed with new ones in the same wall. If some old stock must be consumed, then the new bricks should be used over them. Raw and baked bricks should also be used in the same manner.
Effect of the constructed house is also, according to its shape, good or bad. Mostly the houses are built in the following shapes, their effects are mentioned against each.
Aayatam Chaturastram ch vritam bhadrasanam tatha, Chakram vishambahum ch trikonam shakatakratih. Dandam panavaksthanam murajashcha vrihanmukham, Vyanjanam koorm prashtham ch dhanuha supam ch shodashah.
Shape of House Effect
1. Rectangular Allround prosperity
2. Square (Four equal sides) Gain of wealth
3. Bhadrasan Success in life
4. Circular Growth of Knowledge and Health.
5. Wheel shaped. Brings Poverty.
6. Four (unequal) sides Troublesome.
7. Triangular Harassment from rulers (Govt.
8. Cart shaped. Causes diseases, danger of fire, punishment, loss of wealth.
9. Beam shaped Harmful for cattle.
10. Panavakar Harmful for eyes and for house.
11. Drum (Mridang) shape Harmful for women, loss of females.
12. Vrihanmukhakar Loss of family members/brothers.
13. Fan shaped Loss of money and cattle.
14. Koorm Prashthakar Untimely death, murder, imprisonment.
15. Winnow shaped. Loss of property.
16. Bow Shaped Many difficulties; theft and fear of enemies
17. Hexagonal Brings progress and growth.
18. Elliptical (egg Shaped) Loss in many ways.
19. Singhmukhakar Monetary loss, clashes in family and mental tension.
20. Gaumukhakar Peaceful; growth of progeny.
Shape of the building should be decided keeping in view its auspicious (good) or evil (bad) effects.
A plot and a house in the singhmukhakar shape is good and beneficial for business, commercial organisations, mills, cinema, etc. and not for residence purpose. Gaumukhakar plot or house is good and auspicious for residence, but brings loss to the business.
Residential house should not be built in front of a temple of gods sun, Vishnu or Shiva; or near a temple of Brahma, or behind a Jain temple, or on any side of Durga temple. Such house is inauspicious for the owner.
The Boundary wall on the north and east side should be of less thickness, and the walls on south and west side should be built thicker.
Construction of the wall must be started at the South-West corner and work must proceed towards east or towards north in the first phase. At every stage during the progress of work, the height of the wall should be raised gradually in such a way that any wall is lower in height towards the eastern end than that towards the western end; so also the height towards the northern end is always lower than that towards the southern end.
The construction of walls from south east towards north and from North-west towards east should be taken up in the second phase.
Main building must be constructed in the south-west portion of the plot, leaving more space open on the north and east than on the south and west respectively. Main building constructed in the middle of the plot, symmetrically leaving equal open space on all the four sides is also considered to be good.
Basement (Cellars)
Due to the increase in population and lack of land available buildings have to be constructed on small plots, and in such a situation it may be necessary to build a room underground i.e. a basement.
Basement should be built in the north or east portion of the plot. In other portions it will be harmful.
As per principles of Vastu it is necessary to keep the level higher in the south and west than in the north or east. Keeping this in view, a basement (i.e. lower portion) will be auspicious and beneficial only in the north or east portion of the plot as shown in the diagram above.
Basement should not be constructed in the central portion or in the south or west portion of the plot, because a low in these portion is harmful, causing adverse effects according to the Vaastu Shastra.
For proper light and flow of air, ventilators should be provided towards north side in the basement. Stairs or ramp leading into the basement from outside has to be from the north or east. The slope in such cases will be from north to south or from east towards west, which is, possible the passage may be given from south or west side sloping down towards north or east.
Main Entrance Position
Decision of keeping the main gate in a particular direction is most important before starting the construction. But it depends, to a large extent, on in which direction the plot is open i.e. presence of road, lane, bylane etc. in that direction. Location of the house and its orientation within the plot are also taken into account. VAASTU Shastra describes extensively regarding the position of the main entrance. The figure given below depicts the appearance of mythical VAASTU Purush and all of its thirty-two guarding gods. Position of main entrance must be decided accordingly.
There are four methods to decide the position of the main entrance.
According to the guarding deity: Divide the length and breadth of your plot by eight and determine the length of each part. Each part, thus obtained, represents a particular segment on your boundary wall as depicted in the figure and is guarded by a particular deity. If the plot is rectangular in shape, its lengthwise segments will be longer than breadthwise segments. But regardless of it, each segment will have only one deity. The figure also shows as to which part of the given boundary wall is auspicious to errect the main entrance. In the east, segments guarded by Jayant and Indra (3 to 4); in the south, segments guarded by Vrikatksat (12), in the west segments guarded by Pushpdant and Varun (20 to 21) and in the north, segments guarded by, Mukhya, Bhallat and Kuber (27, 28 and 29) are considered auspicious.
Possible outcome of erecting the main entrance on these segments are as follows:
In the East:
Jayant: Wealth, Reputation and Knowledge
Indra: Favour from the state.
In the South:
(12) Brihatkshat: Benefit from the son.
In the West:
(20) Pushpdant: Wealth
(21) Varun: Proper use of the wealth
In the North:
(27) Mukhya: Wealth
(28) Bhallat: Wealth
(29) Soma or Kuber: Spiritual development
Thus, by having the main entrance on any of these segments, occupants of the house will face either north or the east while exiting and hence could avail themselves of the benefits related to these directions. Oval shaped or circular plots can also be divided into thirty-two segments similarly and position of main entrance for the house being built on such plots can be decided upon accordingly.
Determination of the Ninth Part: Great scripture on VAASTU Shastra Vrihat VAASTU Ratnakar writes:
That is, divide the length and breadth of your plot into nine parts, and select the position of the main entrance by the following method. Stand on the segment where you wish to make the main entrance and leave five parts to your left-hand side and three to your right hand side. Apply this method regardless of direction.
As per the favorable directions, locations within a plot have been classified as excellent, mediocre and wretched. To determine these locations, draw a straight line that connects the central points on the northern and southern wall of your plot. Portions falling on to the right side of this line are termed as auspicious, while those on to its left side inauspicious. Similarly, draw a straight line that connects the mid point of the eastern and western walls. Portions on the northern side of this line are auspicious, while those on the southern side are inauspicious.
King Bhoj, The famous ruler of ancient Ujjain was a master of VAASTU Shastra also. He has himself authored an exhaustive treatise titled Samarangana Sutradhara on VAASTU Shastra. In the book, king Bhoj describes many positions of the main gate in relation to other doors of the house. A few of them and the omens related to them are discussed here.
UTSANGA: When the main gate and the main door lie in one line facing each other, the situation is known as Utsang. This position of the main gate is considered as excellent.
SATYA: When the outer main gate is slightly rightward of the inner entrance, the position is known as Satya. It is also very auspicious position.
APASATYA: When the outer main gate is situated slightly leftward of the inner entrance, the position is known as Apasatya. This is an inauspicious position.
When the outer main gate is situated towards the northern side of the inner entrance which faces either east or west, the situation is known as Prishth bhanga and is regarded as inauspicious. Apart from the above mentioned positions, there are eight sub corners wherein, having the main gate has varying consequences. A plot of land can have more than one main gate depending upon the number of roads and lanes surrounding it. In such situations also the main gates must face the auspicious direction and be situated in the auspicious corner. The basic concept behind selection of main gates position is that the occupants may face the north or the east mostly while making exit. That is why position of the main gate in north, north-east, east, north-east, south, south-east and the west, north-west directions is considered as auspicious.
That is, the decoration of the main gate must be more than that of the other doors. The main gate must be decorated with the figures of urn, fruits and foliage, leaves, flowers, creepers, lion, swan etc. VAASTU Rajvallabha dictates that the main gate must be built splendidly and decorated vividly. It should have more decorations than rest of the doors. It must be decorated with auspicious and religious insignia. OM, Swastika, urn mounted with coconut, goddess Lakshmi showering gold coins, cow, feeding a calf, figure of Kuldevata (tutelary deity) etc. is few such figures that can decorate the main gate. Idols of armed guards can be bas relieved on each of the two pillars comprising main gate.
That is the width of the main gate must be a multiple of 3, 5 or 7 and its height must be double than its width. Thus, if the width of the main gate is 3,5 or 7 feet, its height will be 6, 10 or 14. But in today's context dimension of 3x6 seems ideal.If the main gate is installed in the shape of a door, its frame should have a thickness of six inches on the sides while its threshold and sill should be nine inches in thickness.Raised threshold is required to prevent the entry of the crawling insects and serpents. If the main gate in situated on a platform, raised threshold is not necessary.The main gate should open inward and not outward. It should not touch the walls when opened. These thing preserve the accumulated energy in the house.
Passage leading to the main gate and the one passing through it must be exactly the same. The passage leading to the main gate should be double in width than the one passing through it. It must have an outward slope as well. Such a passage adds to the beauty of the house and facilitates the entrance of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. If the main gate is somewhat higher, easy flight of steps should lead to it.
Main entrance of a house must comply to its main gate in every aspect. It should have better built and decoration than rest of the doors but not more than the main gate.For a house that has a greater number of doors and windows, it doesn't matter if their total number is odd or even. There is no restriction on the number of the doors and windows and the directions they face. If a house has only one or two rooms, it should then have even number of doors and windows. Most of the windows and almirahs, however should be provided in the northern and eastern walls whereas western and southern walls should have minimum number of windows and almirahs.All the doors, windows and almirahs should have their top in the same level i.e. they should be of same height. A door must face a door. If there is no provision of that, a window must be provided to face a door.Doors of different storeys are usually situated one above the others. In such situation, width of the door in upper storey be at least three inches less than that of the lower storey. Top of all the doors, windows and the almirahs however should be at the same level in every storey.
Each room must have two doors. If for some reason, only one door could be given in a room, absence of the second door should be compensated for by a window. This allows ample of sun and air in the room, which is beneficial for the health of the inmates.
All the exit doors should open inward. This is also necessary from the safety point of a view.
Colours represent different wave lengths of a spectrum and are thus nothing but forms of energy. Their effects on the mind and the body are well proven now. You yourself might have experienced that sitting in a room with walls of a particular colour you feel melancholy, while in another room with different colour you feel happy. The implications are clear that you should choose only those colours that have pleasing effect to paint the walls of your room.
Light green, sky blue, azure, pink, light blue and white are such colurs with pleasant effects. Red has medicore effects. Bright red makes the occupant short-tempered and leads to loss of wealth. Black and chocolate colours too have inauspicious effects.
Atharveda clearly dictates regarding the beautification of a house so that the occupants could pass their lives happily in it.
Accordingly, an ideal house must have ample open space around it allowing unabated ventilation from all the four sides. It should be provided with sufficient number of doors and windows as well. Atharveda also dictates to have a door facing a door in a room so that the cyclical magnetic flow could be completed. Air flow is also unabated in such a room. Savants of VAASTU Shastra have deeply analysed the necessity of open space in and around a house. They have concluded that a house should have maximum open space in the northern and eastern sides. Western side can have some open space while the southern side should have least or none. Open space in northern side yields wealth, while in eastern side gives brilliance, knowledge and fame.
Vastu Advice For The Construction
The second stage after buying a land is to start construction. Now even if you have chosen a bad land you can correct it by making proper construction and using Eco friendly material according to vastu. If you have purchased a good land, it can be unsuspicious if you don't make the construction according to the rules of vastu. If you choose the wrong materials in wrong place, they will start giving problem later. Imagine after whole construction you come to know that the material is the cause of worries. What will you do? You cannot demolish the whole building , so its always better to have precautions rather than to go for cures.
We will provide you with the following details:
About the proportions of open spaces and built space.
Shape and height of the building levels.
Slopes of floor and roof.
Boundary walls height, design, and thickness.
Stairs-location shapes and rise.
Placement of the main gate doors windows, ventilators, and cupboards.
Electricity meter, main line, lighting system.
Placement of all the rooms, kitchen, bathrooms.
Placement of the water sources like overhead tanks, underground tank, septic tank.
Use of Eco- friendly materials
Griha Pravesh
Description and guidelines for all the processes right from the selection of site to construction of the building, and of orientation of various rooms in directions, height of the rooms, positions of the doors etc. is found in Vastu Shastra. Actually the text that guides us to plan and construct a town, temple, residential house, cattle shed, or any other building equipped with all necessary amenities for the comfort and utility of mankind is given the name Vaastu Shastra which has been divinely described in Indian culture and scriptures.
Griha Pravesh (i.e. first entry into the newly built house) is also as important aspect of Vaastu-Shastra. After the house is complete in all respects, living in that house is started at some auspicious moment determined on astrological considerations. The first entry in the house at the auspicious moment is called Graha Pravesh ceremony. For any newly built house house warming is considered a holistic occasion. This custom is done so as to keep evil forces away from entering new home. Even after land acquisition, a prayer (puja) is performed which is called as "Bhumi Poojan", and later house warming ceremony is called as "Vaastu-shanti"
When the house is ready to be occupied, a muhurta is selected for grihya pravesha which consists mainly of Ganesha puja (Ganapati), The mandala is drawn to invoke the gods and nine planets, which act as witnesses to the ceremony. The offerings in the form of fire (Agni) which is supposed to convey to the gods. The family carries the havan kunda into every room. The various medicinal ingredients in the smoke from the havan disinfect and purify the air within. The house is encircled with thread three times from the east, which is the most auspicious direction. Both these signify the erection of protective barriers around the house to keep away evil influences, and are done to the accompaniment of the Rakshoghna Mantra and the Pavamana Mantra.
A pit dug in the southeast corner of the boundary of the house with sides of the pit fortified with cowdung paste and the pit is worshipped. A brick box containing corn, moss, and flowers is lowered into the pit, which is then filled up. Since corn symbolises fertility, this is believed to ensure prosperity .Holy water sprinkled around the house is to keep away evil spirits With this, grihya pravesha is completed.
The Grihyasutras give detailed instructions about the kind of land that should be chosen for constructing a house or temple, the direction it should face and the ceremonies to be performed at each stage. The Matsya Purana elaborates which stages during construction are important, like laying the foundation, and raising the first door, and explains that grihya pravesha puja should be performed at these stages. This ceremony is still performed in the traditional manner. After Ganesha puja, the jar of water is placed on a heap of corn, the universal symbol of fertility.
Three types of Graha Pravesh have been mentioned in the scriptures -
(1) Apoorva - First entry to live in house newly constructed on a newly selected land is called Apoorva (new) Graha Pravesh.
(2) Sapoorva - Entry into an already existing house to live in it after traveling abroad or migration elsewhere, is called Sapoorva graha pravesh.
(3) Dwandwah - Entry into a house to live in it after reconstruction/renovation of the house damaged by fire, flood waters, electricity, wind etc. is termed as Dwandwah (or old) Graha Pravesh.
Scriptures have described the procedures of Graha Pravesh at auspicious time (muhurat) and purity (defectless) of Panchang. For Apoorva Graha Pravesh perfect auspicious time should be adhered to and fro Graha Pravesh in a reconstructed house or after migration the purity of Panchang should be given consideration.
If the doors of a house are not fitted with shutters, or the roof is not covered, or the God, Vaastu have not been worshipped and offered sacrifices, and if the priests etc. have not been offered feast, first entry into such house (Graha Pravesh) should not be accomplished till the above things are completed, otherwise living in that house will be full of troubles and miseries. Therefore living in a house should be started only after offering sacrifices and worshipping Vaastu as per procedure given in scriptures.
Entry into a house built of grass and leaves etc. may be performed on any auspicious day. In houses built with bricks, stone, mud, cement etc. the first entry is auspicious when the sun is Uttarayan. As far as possible Graha Pravesh should be accomplished in the day only, it will be auspicious. Normally, it can be done at any auspicious moment in the day or night. Guru (Jupiter) or Shukra (Venus) being set (invisible) i.e. Tara does not matter in case of Graha Pravesh in a old renovated house.
For the ceremony of giving food to a child for the first time (Anna Prashan), wearing new clothes, daily travels, first entry into an old renovated house and entry of a bride in the house, invisibility (setting) of Jupiter (Guru) and Venus (Shukra) i.e. Tara should not be considered, only the purity and auspiciousness of the Panchang should be considered in such cases. Auspicious months for
Graha Pravesh and the results of the same are as given below -
Month Results
Magh Gain of wealth
Falgun Gain of children and wealth
Baishakh Growth of wealth and prosperity
Jeshtha Gain of son and cattle.
Besides these, the months of Kartik and Margshirsh give medium results. Graha Pravesh in the months of Ashadh, Shravan, Bhadrapad, Ashwin Paush is inauspicious and causes loss, troubles and pains, and fear of enemies. The tithies (dates) 4/9/14 and 30 (Amavas - no moon night) should be avoided and Graha Pravesh should not be done on Tuesdays.
Muhurtha of building
After the land has been selected the owner should consult a learned astrologer to find out and auspicious time (muhurat) to start the construction of the house which would bring him health, wealth, prosperity and good fortune. Generally construction of house, temple, palaces (Raj Bhawan), city etc. should not be stared or first entry (grah-pravesh) should not be accomplished during the period Ashadh Shukla to Kartik Shikla , when gods are asleep (Dev Shayan). Muhurat (auspicious times) for construction of house or starting the work have been given in the Panchangs. Astrologers have expressed their own different views about starting the construction work. According to Vasturaj Vallabh, Leo constellation (singhasth), Vyatipat, Vaidhriti, Dagdhtithi, Guru 9Jupiter), Shukra (Venus) when set, weak moon, Rikta tithi (4/9/14) are not auspicious for starting house construction work or any other good and auspicious work. Some scholars are of the opinion that if Jupiter or Venus are set (Tara) it doesn't matter.
Given below are the sun Sankranties during which if construction work is started it gives varied results:
1. Sun in the Aries (Mesh) Rashi 14 April to 13 May-very good.
2. Sun in the Taurus (Vrish) Rashi 14 May to 13 June-increase in wealth
3. Sun is in Gemini (Mithun) Rashi 14 June to 13 July-Death
4. Sun is in cancer (Kark) Rashi 14 July to 13 August-very good
5. Sun is in Leo (Singh) Rashi 14 August to 13 September - increase in number of servants.
6. Sun is in Virgo (Kanya) Rashi 14 September to 13 October -Diseases
7. Sun is in Libra (Tula) Rashi 14 October to 13 November - Happiness/comforts
8. Sun is in Scorpio (Vrishchik) Rashi 14 November to 13 December - Increase in Wealth.
9. Sun is in Saggitarius (Dhanu) Rashi 14 Dec. to 13 January-loss
10. Sun is in Capricorn (Makar) Rashi 14 Jan. to 13 February-gain of wealth.
11. Sun is in Aquarius (Kumbh) Rashi 14 Feb. to 13 March-gain of Jewels
12. Sun is in Pisces (Meen) Rashi 14 March to 13 April-Fear.
Therefore the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th i.e., Mithun (Gemini), Vigro (Kanya), Saggitarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meen) Rashies are not suitable and auspicious for starting house construction, and the work should not be started during the period sun is in these Rashis.
According to VAASTU Shastra, digging of the foundation is prohibited in the following months:
1) Chaitra (March-April): If digging starts in these months, the owner faces great hardships. First entry into the home with a purpose of living is also prohibited during this period.
2) Jyeshtha (June): If the digging starts in this month, the planets become unfavourable for the owner. First entry is also prohibited.
3) Asharh (July): If the digging is started in this month, the owner suffers the loss of animal stock.
4) Shravana (August): If digging is started in this month, the owner suffers loss of wealth.
5) Bhaadrapad (September): Digging in this month leads to quarrels at home.
6) Ashwin (October): Digging leads to fallilial disputes in the home.
7) Kartik (November): If digging is started in this month, servants and subordinates run away.
8) Magh (February): Owner has to face the danger of fire in his home, if digging starts in this month.
Following months, however, are considered auspicious to start digging of foundation:
1) Baishakh (May): The owner gets unprecedented benefits if digging is started in this month.
2) Margshirsh (December): The owner obtains wealth if the digging starts in this month. This month is also auspicious to make first entry in the home.
3) Paush (January): Owners gets wealth if the digging starts in this month also.
4) Phalgun (March): All the desires of the owner are fulfilled if the digging starts in this month.
Among the months, Baishakh, Shravan, Margshirsh Magh and Falgun are good for the work. Bhadrapad and Kartik are also normally permissible.
Construction work should be started on the dates (tithis) 2,3,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,15 and the 1st of Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight).
Prohibited date - Starting the construction work on the dates 1,4,8,9,14 and 30 (Amavas) brings Poverty, loss of wealth, loss of money, death of wife, fear from the rulers. Therefore work should not be started on these dates.
Constellations-The Nakshatras Rohini, Mrigshira, Chitra, Hast, Swati, Anuradha, Uttarashdah, Uttar Bhadrapad, Uttar Falguni, Dhanshtha, Shatbhisha, Revati are good for starting the house construction work.
Lagna - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces Lagna, when it is not Panchban and it is not the period of Bhoomi Shayan, and there is some beneficial planet in the centre and triangle positions, and the eighth house is beneficial when there are cruel planets in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses; such periods are good for auspicious starting of the construction work.
Bhoomi Shayan - On the days of constellations 5/7/9/12/19/26 from the constellation in which sun is situated the earth is 'sleeping' (Bhoomi Shayan) and on these days also during the 4/8/5/3//6/7 Ghati it is so; in remaining Ghatis it is not Bhoomi Shayan.
Bhoomi Shayan defect (Dosh) is there on the 5/7/9/11/15/20/22/23/28th day from the solar Sankranti according to some astrologers, and others take it only on 7/9/15/21 and 24th day.
Days - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are good days to start construction work. On Sunday or Tuesday starting the work should be avoided.
For starting the house construction work, Vrish-vasta calculation should be done. If the constellation of the day counted from that of the sun comes upto 7, it is inauspicious, next 11 it is god and next 10 are again inauspicious. Abhijeet should also be included in counting.
Consideration of Yoga
On a particular day, date, and during a particular Nakshatra, a particular conjuction or conjugation of day and date or day, date and Nakshatra results. One such conjugation, known as Amrityoga, is extremely auspicious for making maiden entry. One must avoid making maiden entry during Dagdh Yoga, Mrityu Yoga and Yamaghant. Apart from these, maiden entry is auspicious except during the five Ghati of Shoolyoga, half-part of Paridhyoga, six Ghati of Atiganda Yoga and nine Ghati of Vyaghrat Yoga. Maiden entry is totally prohibited during the entire period of Mritu Yoga, Vyatipat and Vaghriti Yoga.
Vishisht Yoga (Special combinations) have also been described for the start of house construction. The combination of seven Sakar (starting with 'S' Viz. Saturday, Swati nakshatra, Singh (Leo) Lagna Shukla Paksha (Moonlit fortnight), Seventh tithi, Shubh yoga and Shravan month, is very good for starting the work of a house. It will fetch to the owner growth of all wealth and fortune along with the gain of conveyance, wealth and prosperity, sons and grandsons etc.
Shani swati singh lagan shukla parkshascha saptami. Shubh yoga sharawanshcha sakarasapt kirtitah.
House construction is not allowed in singh (Leo) Lagna, it should not be started in this Lagna alone, but if the above combination is there with Singh Lagna starting of the work is auspicious as per vaastu shastra. House construction started in Shukla Paksha brings happiness, while that in Krishna Paksha it brings loss as per vastu. Therefore it is better to start the construction work after well consideration of the Shukla or Krishna Paksha as per vaastu.
Auspicious good time should be selected for starting the work of a house. A learned astrologer should be consulted because by doing so the construction work will go on smoothly, there will be no hindrances or problems, work will be completed soon successfully. Often it has been observed that if the work is started without caring for the auspicious moment, the work has to be stopped in between due to financial difficulties or other problems and is left incomplete. Not only financial loss, it brings loss of mental peace also. Therefore house construction work must be started after full consideration specially if the above mentioned facts are cared for, the work will be auspicious, successful and fruitful.
It is extremely necessary to worship the land before the construction work starts. At any place after digging up to one foot if we find bones and filthy rubbish, hair etc. they should be removed. Baisakh, Shravan, Margshirsh and Falgun these four months are auspicious for the worship of the land.
Consideration of Rahu
The position of Rahu must not be opposite during the maiden entry. From the table given below position of Rahu can be determined:
Day Time Position of Rahu
Sunday 16:30-18:00 In the south-west
Monday 7:30-9:00 In the north
Tuesday 15:00-16:30 In the south-west
Wednesday 12:00-13:30 In the west
Thursday 13:50-15:00 In the north-east
Friday 10:30-12:00 In the south
Saturday 21:00-22:30 In the north-west.
Position of Rahu in different months
Months Position
Margshish, Paush, Magh In the East
Phalgun, Chaitra and Vaishakh In the South
Jyeshtha, Asharh and Shravan In the
WestBhadrapada, Ashwin and Kartik In the North
Auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of the Auspicious (opportune) Moment.
* As far as possible the auspicious (opportune) moment should not coincide with the extra month (Adhik Mas), the zero month, the lunar month and the sunset.
* Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday should be avoided.
* Monday and Thursday are very auspicious.
* The auspicious (opportune) moment should not fall in the pregnancy state after the seventh month of any lady in the house.
* Auspicious (opportune) moment should not fall during the mensis period of any lady.
* The auspicious (opportune) moment should not fall in Hadpaksha, mourning period. Divaskarma (performing rituals relating to dates) and Shraadha ceremony (religious rites after the death of a person). If the auspicious (opportune) moment falls in Jaishth or Aashadh, Sickness or unnecessary increase in expenditure results.
* If the auspicious (opportune) moment falls in Bhadrapad or Ashwin month, expenditure increases unnecessarily and the situation becomes tense for no reason.
* If the auspicious (opportune) moment is celebrated in the month of Kartik, Paush or Magh the construction is delayed. There is also a possibility of theft of the building material. Some provoking incidents take place. If there is a conjunction of auspicious stars in the sky at the auspicious (opportune) moment it gives good results. In this age of science even well known and highly qualified people start their new enterprises at the auspicious moment. The worship of the land should be done in the east or the north-east corner of the plot at the opportune moment.
A human being spends most of his time at home. If the home is auspicious, the man can pass his life peacefully. Hence auspicious moments (Muhurts) have extraordinary importance in astrology. Without an auspicious moment, no work is beneficial. Hence it is extremely important to consider an auspicious moment before making first entry into the newly built home.
According to Maharishi Vashishth there are three kinds of maiden entries.
that is, the maiden entry into the newly built home is known as Apoorvasangyak. Maiden entry made after undertaking a journey is known as Sapurb Pravesh and an entry into a home that has been rebuilt after it was destroyed by fire, is known as Dvandvahva. Other omens like Jogini Vasa, day, month, Dishashool, Yoga, Nakshatra, the Moon and the Sun are also considered for making a maiden entry.
Date Directions Date Directions
1,9 East 6,11 East-East
5, 13 South 4, 12 South-West
6,14 West 7 Full Moon North-West
2,10 North 8 Moonless North-East
Jyeshtha Saturday & Monday In the East
Purva Bhadra Pada Thursday In the South
Uttra Phalguni Tuesday and Wednesday In the North
If Yogini Vasa and Dishashool both are in the same direction, one should not start a journey that day in that direction with the purpose of maiden entry. Also one should not start journey for maiden entry in the direction opposite to that of Dishashool.
Months (Hindi Names) Effects
Chaitra Sorrow
Vaishakh Benefits
Jyeshtha Death
Asharh Loss of animal wealth
Shravan Gain in wealth
Bhadrapad Ruining of the house
Ashwin Dispute in the family
Kartik Pains from the sevants
Margshirsh Gains of wealth
Paush Gain of wealth
Magh Fears from fire
Phalgun Increase in wealth
Days Effects
Monday Auspicious
Tuesday Excitement
Wednesday Auspicious increase in commerce
Thursday Auspicious, increments
Friday Increase in wealth
Saturday Fears from the thieves
Sunday Inauspicious
Nakshatras like Rohini, Mrigshirsh, Pushya, Chitra, Anuradha, Revati, Ashwini, Punarvasu, Hasta, Swati, Shravan, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha and all the three Uttara (Phalguni, Asarh and Bhadrapada) are considered auspicious for the maiden entry.
2,3,5,6,8,10,11,12,13 of the brighter phase and 1,2,3,5,7,8,10,11,12 and 13 of the darker phase are auspicious.
For a house facing the east, the Sun's position at the moment of entry in the 8th, 10th, and 11th house of the horoscope is considered as dextral. For a west facing house, the Sun's position at the moment of entry in the 5th, 6th and 3rd house of the horoscope is considered as sinister. For the north facing house, the Sun's position at the moment of entry in the 11th, 1st and 2nd and 3rd house of the horoscope in considered as dextral. For the south facing house, the Sun's position at the moment of entry in the 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th houses of the horoscope is considered as sinister. For the purpose of making maiden entry dextral position of the Sun and sinister position of the Moon in the horoscope are considered as auspicious.
Tauras, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are auspicious Lagnas for maiden entry. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are medium. Eighth house in the horoscope of the owner is always inauspicious for him as Lagna to make maiden entry.
Vaastu Architecture
India, land of novelties of ancient architectures, and it's rich inheritance.
Vaastushastra works on the basic theme of of Matter and Energy and describes the complete matrics of architecture, geometry of objets, orientation with respect to directions,measurements, proportions with view to the place and the occupant.In Vaastushastra as well as modem architecture, the shapes like square and rectangle indicate safety, completeness and stability. But, the aesthetic shapes like triangle and rounded shapes representing grace and progress, which are popular in modern architecture, are avoided in Vaastushastra. Vaastushastra considers that the energetic space within a square or rectangular form create vibrations appropriate for peaceful and tranquil pattern of life.
Architecture defines spaces and creates special forms in order to allot living spaces and utilitarian spaces amongst the occupants of a dwelling. Modem architecture sometimes gets so much obsessed with the ideas like economy, lifestyle, function, and efficiency that it almost forgets the inherent psychological needs like peace and tranquility of a human being occupying the structure. Sometimes, the hands of an architect are forced because of professional compulsions like satisfying the demands of builders and developers. The individuality in architectural creations, visible in earlier times has in recent times been lost to problems associated with group or mass housing techniques.
Vaastushastra deals with four kinds of spaces-space within human form, constructed space, terrestrial space, and cosmic space. A designer with Vaastushastra insight achieves harmony between all these spaces,and in the process creates microcosm in the built-up space that replicates the qualities of the macrocosm. Vaastushastra ideas result in design of houses, which are beneficial to the body and mind of the dweller.Modern architecture, though outwardly elegant, is yet to imbibe the smooth way in which Vaastushastra has found balance between symmetry and asymmetry in designing structures. But the trends are changing. Architects have started borrowing from concepts of climatology, environmental engineering, and cosmic energy flow principles to design dwellings that are in harmony with nature and closer to Vaastushastra logic.
It is confounding/puzzling to note, that Vaastushastra and old cosmic diagrams(Mandala) are being dismissed in architecture as mere tradition and memory architecture. Vaastushastra is far beyond this process. Vaastushastra is a source of ideas and as such can be of great help during planning/Designing stage, construction stage, or finishing and decoration stage.Vaastushastra encompasses the phenomenon of Pyramids, for correcting residential plots, These pyramids are energy generators at the centre. Experiments carried out on small pyramid models essentially conforming to the dimensions of the pyramid of Giza of have conclusively proved that, inside a pyramid a distinct atmosphere exists which is protective and energy giving.
Role of Shapes
In Vaastushastra, shapes like square and rectangle are popular for safety, completeness, and stability. Nowadays, architects are introducing round & triangular shapes in the structures to be constructed. But, infact it is prohibited in Vaastushastra. Modern architecture is yet to digest the balance between symmetry / asymmetry which is evident in structures, designed as per Vaastushastra principles.
Vaastushastra & Modern Architecture
People, these days are more & more concern about their designs of structures to be built on the basis of Vaastushastra which would satisfy their logical & Psychological requirements by their architects. Certain important observations can be made as regards architecture being practiced today, as against concepts found in ancient texts on Vaastushastra.
The North Mark on architectural drawing
Marking the North direction on a drawing has now become a mere ritual / custom. The significance of the organic electromagnetic flux lines emanating from the North, is totally lost on the present day practitioners of architecture, who use North pointer for designating the roads and placement of plots. In ancient Vaastushastra practice immense importance was given to alignment of the geometric axis of the Vaastu and the geomagnetic axis. Hence, the North flow and the North marking were paid special attention in planning of a Vaastu. The energetic of the Vaastu is influenced by the North flow, as discussed elsewhere in the book.
Windows and Openings
In the tropical countries like India, the path of the sun is normally along the East, Southeast,South, and Southwest directions. Almost throughout a year, we are directly exposed to the radiations of the sun. To keep the house in shady cool zone it is necessary to avoid the hateful radiations of solar radiations and , openings towards the South direction should normally be avoided. In old times this factor was given due consideration, and thickening of the walls on the South side and provision of entrances on the North side was a standard practice.
Water Pools in the North/North-East Zones
In most of our olden temples, a small lake of water or water pools were always found in the Northeast zone. This practice has a scientific base as far as dynamics of human mind are concerned.
Roof slopes
Generally the roofs slopes should be kept towards the North, Northwest & Northeast to protect excessive exposure of the area to solar radiations, leading to a very hot and unhealthy environment inside the dwelling.
The Directions
East - Directions of Organic Flow
Wide openings towards the East always channelise the Organic energy throughout the house. On the other hand, toilets and staircases in the East block the morning solar bliss.Sunlight is essential for life processes and the natural synthesis of vitamin 'D' in human body largely depends on absorption of sunlight through the skin. Further, Yoga also suggests that early morning sunlight is a rejuvenator for the body. Ventilators / blinds and open spaces towards the East ensure that the entire house is exposed to the beneficial early morning sunlight for a maximum possible duration.
Large Openings to the Southwest
In tropical countries like us, the direction of the wind is generally aligned to the West, Northwest, and Southwest directions. The Indian Vaastu concepts dismiss the wind as a carrier of dust and believe in creating shadow regions for cooler homes that do not need wind for ventilation. By providing thick walls in the South direction and openings in the North direction, the houses are made thermal radiation -proof. The concept of providing ample ventilation from the West may lead to air-borne diseases.
Symmetry and Discipline
The surfaces that receive the maximum solar radiation, apart from the roof areas, are the Southeast, South and Southwest walls. The Northeast, North, and Northwest walls are less exposed. As, most of India lies between the latitudes 90N and 350N. This implies that overall building form should be such that the exposure to the sun is minimized.
This is possible in buildings with shorter North and South walls and larger East and West walls. Vaastushastra principles talks about the length of North-South axis of a Vaastu should be greater than the East-West axis.
Use of Local Materials in Construction
Houses built from locally available materials, are considered to give happiness through organic harmony and interrelationship between matter and energy spectrums.
These days we are turning ourselves towards eco-friendliness and environment. Environment can itself act as a source or a sink for natural resources, man-made products and Byproducts In his search for exotic materials for construction and decoration, man has created pollutants which did not exist in nature and which cannot be disposed off by nature. By utilizing local resources intelligently, it is possible to preserve the environment in a state of equilibrium and construct dwellings having maximum virtues as per Vaastu principles.
Commercial Complex
In the fast developing world these days the population is also increasing rapidly, so that the small towns and cities are changing into metropolitan cities There is scarcity of land in the cities and the business is growing and expanding very fast. Therefore, huge multi-storied buildings for commercial organisations are being constructed and the number of such complexes is increasing fast day by day. Production has increased very much, and the factories have to open their offices and show rooms at various places for marketing their products. Therefore buildings for these commercial purposes have become a necessity. Most of the factories appoint agents for the sale of their products. The business men have to establish an office of the agency, which is located mostly in some multi-storied commercial complex.
In the construction of multi-storied commercial complexes all the principles of Vaastu-Shastra can not be followed so easily as in case of residential houses. The builder of such complexes wants to utilize each and every corner of the space available for construction leaving any space open, without any construction there may not be profitable to the builder. Commercial complexes which are constructed in accordance with the rules of Vaastu-Shastra become popular and prove to be beneficial and profitable to the business that is carried on from that campus. Therefore commercial complexes should also be constructed according to the principles of Vaastu Shastra.
First of all only 2 square or rectangular plot should be selected. Buildings constructed on such plots are auspicious and beneficial to the owner, and help in successful and profitable business, While constructing building on the plot, enough open space should be left all around. There should be more open space on the north and east than that on the south and west respectively. Lawn and parking place is auspicious and profitable in the north-east directions. Slope of the land should be towards north-east direction. South-west portion should be raised. Tall and dense trees near the main building are not good. There is no harm if the trees are at some distance, Well or tube-well should be constructed in the north east portion, and overhead tank for storage of water should be constructed in north-west. Waste water drained out of the building and also the rain water should flow towards the north or east directions.As far as possible the main gate should be kept in the north or east direction. Height of the main door should be a little more than that other doors in the building. Rooms for office etc. should be built in such a manner that rays of the sun may reach in each and every room and flow of fresh air is also maintained without any interruption. Construction of rooms should be so planned that most of the rooms may face towards north or east. Length and breadth of the office rooms should also be as per the Vastu Shastra. Height of the upper storey's should be kept a bit less than that of the lower storey. If attached toilet is to be provided with the office room, it should be in the south-west portion of the room. If store room is required along with the office, it should be in the south or west part of the room. It is good to construct stairs in the south or west portion of the main building. Stairs in north-east portion of the building are not auspicious. Balcony should be provided in the north or east direction in each room.
Vastu Advice For The Commercial Complex
In complexes, builder try to use each and every inch of space available and thus sometime causes blunders. The complexes, which are made according to vastu, are very famous and successful if compared to other ones.
We have to take care of the following points while studying about the vastu of the commercial complex.
Proper location of the commercial complex regarding roads.
The exteriors of the office like shape, slope, height, water level, The location of the beams, The location of the basement,The direction of the Entrance, The direction & placement of the windows, The direction & placement of the open space to be left, The direction & placement of the space where the construction has to take place, The direction & placement of the offices, The direction & placement of the showrooms, The direction and placement of the electrical equipment like generators, invertors, The direction and placement of the stairs, The direction & placement of AC plant, The direction & placement of the pantry/kitchen, The direction & placement of the toilets, The direction & placement of the water products, The direction and placement of the water boring, The direction and placement of the staff underground water tank, The direction and placement of the overhead water tank, The direction and placement of the septic tank or the waste disposal
Apartments and the flats is now a very common sight in the big cities, thanks to the population explosion.These buildings are populated by a large number of people within a limited space. Besides such constructions are also proving economical while maximum utilization of the space is achieved.
Here again, while building multistoried apartments and flats, attention must be paid to the plot of land and its location. East facing and north facing plots are excellent for such types of construction. But it should be noted that it is not possible to apply each and every principle of VAASTU Shastra to the construction of apartments and flats. Still it is necessary to excavate unwanted buried matter from the earth and follow common VAASTU principles. Principles regarding the land are equally applicable everywhere. Hence selection of land and excavation of unwanted buried matter must be conducted as per the dictates of VAASTU Shastra. Height of the last storey must necessarily be somewhat less than that of the first storey. Open space must be left all around the building. There should be more open space in the north and the east while in the west and the south it should be maximum.
Main gate must be given in the north or in the east. Rectangular plot must be selected to build multistorey buildings. Such a shape of plot provides more common facilities and easy and better flow of traffic. Slope of the land must be given in the north-eastern direction. Car parking and common lawn etc. should be developed in the north-eastern direction. While building multistoried flats, big hotels or cinema halls, ample open space must be given in front of the building. Two separate gates should be provided for the entry and exit. Design of multistoried buildings should be such that the inmates of the lower floors could also get sufficient sun and fresh air.
Lift must be provided near the staircase in the multistoried buildings. Stairs should have a dextral rotation.
Water storage tank must be installed in the north-eastern corner of the roof in the multistoried buildings. Borewell can be used as a source of water. Drainage must be covered. South-western corner of a multistorey building should be higher the rest of the constructions. Each flat on every floor in a multistorey building should be provided with enough ventilators and windows. Kitchen in each flat must be given in the south-east corner. Toilet and bathroom in each flat must be built in the south-west corner or in the south direction. Length and breadth of each flat should be exactly equal i.e. the flat should preferably have a square shape.
Generator, electric switchboards, transformer etc. should be installed outside the apartments in the south-eastern corner. There should be no plants or trees exactly in front of the main gate. If you wish, you may plant basil and sandal in an open space. Playground and garden should be developed in the north or in the east of the apartment. Balconies too should be provided in the north or in the east. Security room must be built in the north or in the south. Apartments should not be painted in black, sky blue or red colours.Thus even if half the principles of VAASTU Shastra are followed in the construction of apartments, far greater benefit can be achieved for the inmates to pass their lives peacefully.
Vastu for Multistory Buildings
In today's time when there is scarcity of land we have started building house in the air i.e. we have started making multistory buildings. Now a day the maximum number of peoples are living in flats or having offices in this type of buildings and facing many problems. If you are feeling that your health is deteriorating in the new flat or you have started facing financial problems , then you must go for a Vastu check.
We will provide you with following details:
Proper location of the flat regarding adjoining flats, The exteriors and facing of the flat, The location of the beams, The direction of the Entrance, The direction & placement of the windows, The direction & placement of the rooms, The direction & placement of the furniture, The direction & placement of the lift, The direction & placement of the overhead water tank, The direction & placement of the swimming pool, The direction and placement of the electrical equipment like generators, The direction and placement of the stairs
Industrial Structures
Industrial structures need special attention in Vaastu analysis. In an industrial environment, the human potential is exploited to its maximum in multidisciplinary activities - production clubbed with leadership function, research activity clubbed with market dynamics, achieving impedance-free movement of men and materials in crowded workplace etc.... This balancing act needs a perfect understanding of contribution of each of the Vaastu directions to the overall industrial space.
The Indian insight into Vastu planning is based on the concept of energy helix. This permits analysis of each part of the structure at individual level and then synthesizing these into the total structure. Vaastu shastra considers a Vaastu as a living being and as such, clubs the energetic of the Vaastu with various parameters to make it lively. The character of a living entity is always reflected in its shape, form, size, and looks. Similarly, qualities like' harmony and rhythm are part of a symmetric structure. In industrial structures, the contribution of various directions is analysed on the basis of form and shape of structure, as well as the plot.
Considering the characteristics in an industrial structure, the following points can be noticed :-
North Light Structures
The concept of 'North Light Structure' has been borrowed from Europe where temperatures remain within 15 degrees Celsius throughout the year. But, in tropical countries like India, most of the time the sun remains in the southern zone. Even in the 'Uttarayan' (the winter solstice) the decline is hardly 10 degrees relative to the North. As such, the temperature differentials during the day exceed 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. In such a situation, projecting entire roof surface to the south to get northern light is an act of ignorance from environmental considerations. Due to high thermal absorption, such types of roofs disturb the entire electromagnetic field aligned with the structure. As per Vastu science, these structures tend to capture what is known as 'South Rhythm'. Case studies reveal that industrial units with these types of roofs suffer from low productivity and poor growth. All such structures need critical changes for achieving qualitative environmental enrichment.
North-South Length
If the North-South length of the industrial workshop is substantially larger than the East-West breadth, perimeter projected to solar radiation is minimized and results in cool healthy environment. Vaastushastra maintains that all the activities follow an ordered and disciplined pattern if the North-South axis is greater than the East-West axis.
Work Environment for Executives and Staff
Vaastushastra recommends that important executives should face the North direction with their sitting position in the Southwest zone. All the staff and workers should face East with their activity zone located in Central, Northern, or Eastern zones. From Vaastu energetic point of view, Southwest zone represents the highest point of the helix, and decisions taken in the confines of Southwest zone flow without friction to lower boundaries of the structure. The North-facing executives benefit from eternal flow and properly tuned psyche.
Zoning of Industrial Activities
In an industrial undertaking multiple activities are taking place simultaneously. To achieve better co-ordination and cohesion in these activities, it is desirable that specific operations are restricted to definite zones on the basis of involved energy levels.
Activity Zone
Research and development Northeast
Heavy loads and activity Southwest
Thermal activity Southeast
Finished products Northwest
Accounts and legal activity East zone
Chief Executive's cabin Southwest Zone
(south side)
Toilets/Canteen/Retiring Room West zone
Landscaping and Loads
Landscaping plays an important role in providing cosmic envelope to the Vaastu. Reshaping of a plot by landscaping is the simplest way to rectify the incorrect shapes and slopes in the plot. Remarkable improvement in the Vastu energetic results from the formation of external helix through load relocation in landscaping and planting of specific trees in landscaped gardens. In respiration process of the plants, rare gases are emitted, enriching the environment. This apart, the environment benefits from the plant biorhythm.
If any digging or excavation has taken place in Southwest, Southeast, or Northwest zones for locating underground vessels or water tanks or septic tank, this source of negative energy should be compensated by material loading at landscape stage. Exposed water-bodies in the North or Northeast zones are abundant sources of organic energy, as the sunlight is polarised in transverse direction by these water surfaces. The Northeast zone lies in the solar shadow region resulting in low thermal activity, which endows this zone with natural quality of harmony as far as electromagnetic energy is concerned. The same quality is transmitted along with the polarised organic energy from the North and Northeast zones. To reduce the extended Southeast related ill effects in some plots, water body in the Southeast zone is sometimes advisable.
The Helix
It is said that life flows without friction and remains in natural rhythm if it is based on the logic of the 'Helix'. The helix form is followed right from the smallest virus to the gigantic 'Milky Way'. Most ancient scriptures refer to helix as the sacred curve. There are five different methods for implementing the 'helix' in a plot or a house, for effective Vaastushastra remedies.Rhythmic compound or boundary along a plot for linking solar stream qualities to the ground profile. Landscaping and locating loads to peripheral zones of the plot to redefine the relationship between the ground and the structure. Varying levels in plinths as per the load characteristics of the Vaastu-kshetra directions add to the vertical rhythm. The recommended pattern is as follows;
Northeast zone lowest level
Southeast zone level higher than NE zone
South zone higher than SE zone
Southwest zone higher than South zone
The helix in the plinth through this method can also be attained.
Pattern of flooring as per the requirements of the directions;
• Marble in the Northeast, North, or East zone reflects the photon energy and maintains the East and the North as source directions of positive energy.
• Agra red stone in the Southeast zone suits the thermal activity of the zone.
• Yellow Jaisalmer or Marble or Shahabad stone matches the Southwest zone characteristics, as yellow colour represents 'Prithvi-Tatwa', which has higher gravitational rhythm.
• Kota or Tandoor stone may be used in the Northwest zone.
Vaastu Analysis for an Industrial Unit General
Vaastu shastra is a science dealing with natural forces and energies, some directly experienced and some hidden. On the face of it, this discipline looks mysterious and ambiguous. But, all its rules and regulations can be traced to the basic sciences, particularly to the principles of physics pertaining to forces and energies.Here we will present Vastu analysis for a typical industrial structure - buildings for a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. For buildings housing medicine production facility, the concepts of quantum healing and energetic are of utmost importance. Vaastushastra has immense scope in such cases to provide virtuous bliss of Nature to the whole production set-up.
Multiple paths are available for improving any given Vastu situation. Here we are outlining the concepts and methodology involved in this process. At the site, it is possible to offset any asymmetry by variations in landscaping, if the plot is of odd non-regular geometric shape. By adjusting floor heights and plinths, it is possible to achieve harmony and rhythm suitable for the given ground profile.
Influencing the virtues and qualities of Vastu directions as per the Vaastu-Purush-Mandal can compensate steep slopes in the ground terrain and odd shapes of the plot.
Planting of specific trees suited for Vastu directions can diminish the bad effects of incorrect eddy gradients in the plot.Compound wall can be used to reshape the plot so as to achieve order and discipline in the site plans. Analysis of the energy-matter relationship can help in equalizing slopes in the ground.
Landscaping and use of exposed water surfaces can attain cosmic helix in the building environment.
By reorienting and adjusting doors, windows and openings, it is possible to minimize surface exposure to the sun. By blocking the energy flux through shadows and shades, the Jaivik electromagnetic flux can be enhanced to a certain degree.
Landscape Details
To achieve harmony with nature and bliss in the surrounding environment, it is essential that a definite shape is given to the plot and it is aligned properly with the geomagnetic axis. For the plot under study, the following measures are recommended as per Vaastu shastra;
Provision of a heavy compound wall 24 inch thick and 7 ft high on Southwest zone, gradually reducing it to 18 inch thick and 5 ft high on Southeast side, and 9 inch thick - 3 ft high on the North and East sides. To match the shape, size, and periphery of 'Vaastu-kshetra' with the 'helix' pattern, these varying compound wall depths, widths, and heights are very useful. The helical alignment of compound wall balances the vices and virtues related to Vaastu directions and sub-directions.
Provision of marble finish lunar shaped water-pool in the Northeast corner, having outside perimeter 20 ft, inside perimeter 15 ft, and depth 5 ft. Circular water-body with diameter 8 ft and depth 3 ft can also be provided. The exposed water surface in the Northeast polarises the solar rays in transverse direction and thus, creating a source for ordered Jaivik energy.
Filling of pits in the Southwest, West, and South zones to attain ground slopes towards the North and East. This procedure offsets the energy-matter imbalance on account of heavy stress concentration in the Southwest zone. Elevating the Southwest zone in a Vaastu-kshetra reorients the cosmic energy flow to simulate a cosmic energy helix in the environment.
The North and the East Side margins should be twice as much as those in the South and West.
Provision of heavy 'Gurutwa' pedestal load in the Southwest corner of the plot. The aligned geomagnetic fields of a Vastu are disturbed due to high thermal activity in the Southwest zone. The disturbed energy fields can be balanced through heavy loads in this zone.
Planting of trees around the periphery of the property based on 'Vruksha- Vichar'. Apart from the specific trees and plants indicated below, Audumber and Neem. trees are to be planted on South side to provide humid environment that aids in environmental enrichment through reduction in temperatures.
West/Northwest zone is governed by the great element 'Vayu' and as such, planting of medicinal shrubs an Nilgiri on West gives aroma and bliss to entire Vastu.
Main buildings should be placed in the Southwest zone an aligned in such a manner that North-South axis of building should match with the geomagnetic axis. The shape of the building should be rectangular.
Bore-well should be provided in the Northeast comer.
Septic tank should be located in the Northwest zone.
Provision of pyramid-like structures made of organic matter like bamboo or wood over Southwest passages. The dimensions of the pyramid could be 8-ft X 8-ft base and 3 f height.
Internal Changes for the Vaastu
Provision of 18-inch thick wall in the Southwest zone. The South and West zones are exposed to intense solar radiation due to the Sun's East to Southeast to Southwest to West sojourn through the sky. Thicker Southwest walls act as shields against intense heat and keep the internal building areas cool. Raising of the Southwest plinth by 6 inches. The Southwest zone is heavily loaded and or raised to compensate the imbalance in matter and energy due to heavy stress concentration. Provision of maximum possible openings or ventilators in the North and East to maintain balanced Pranik and Jaivik energy flow through the Vaastu. Arranging East-side entry for the workers and North-side entry for the proprietors and executives. Provision of additional floor in the Southwest zone. This helps in equalizing the disturbed matter and energy balance in this zone on account of stress concentration. Provision of slopes towards the North and the East. Sloping chajjas can be provided for this purpose.
Provision of terraces in the North and East, with levels in these zones lower than the South and West zones, to satisfy the concept of helix formation through level shifting. Minimization of openings and ventilators in the South and West zones. If openings in these zones are unavoidable, then tilted bay windows can be provided for simulating sunlight entry from the North and East. It is to be noted that source of light in the South implies that Pranik energy is in mutual opposition with North-South geomagnetic flux lines, which is a source of Jaivik energy. Alignment of heavy machinery and heavy storage units in the South, Southwest, and West zones. Provision of flooring to obtain the helix effect.
Northeast White Marble
Southwest Yellow Shahabad / Jaisalmer
Southeast Pink or Red Agra
Northwest Kota Stone
Southwest Yellow
Southeast Pink or Red
Northeast Glossy White
Northwest Mat Finish Blue or Green
Painting scheme as per the well defined 'Ranga-Shastra' principles in Vaastu science. The colour variation based on five great elements and horoscope helps in attaining helix Format in a Vastu. Placing of all light fittings and electrical points on the North and East sides. The analytical approach adopted here has benefited the pharmaceutical unit immensely; in management-workers relationship and in smooth running of the plant at optimum levels. Taking recourse to Vastu principles at planning stage has distinct advantages - smooth progress of work and salubrious working conditions. For industries too, the selection of site is very important. Besides the fact that sufficient water and electricity should be available, the vastu of the plot, plot such as the shape of the plot, the roads facing the plots and the ground levels inside and outside the site are very important points that are to be observed.
The various principles of Vastu, which aid in setting up an industry, are as follows.
Main roads towards east, north or north-east are advisable with wide gates on two sides. Gates in north-east or east or north or north-west are recommended Guard room should be either on north-west side of north gate of southeast side of east-gate. Minimum space should be kept in south and west where big trees could be grown. More open space should be left in north and east where lawns and other greenery can be grown. The floor levels in south-west must be higher than other sides and height of the building also must be higher than all the other corners. Care has to be taken to have the store rooms in south-west fully loaded with stocks to the extent possible As and when the stocks are consumed they should be replaced immediately.
Car parking may be provided in north-west if open area is available. For light vehicles north east also could be used. Administrative Officers are to be located either in north or east, away from boundary walls with less height than the main factory. Here special care has to be taken in keeping north east corner open. Staff quarters may be constructed in south-east and north-west. If quarters are multi-storied and if the height is more than that of main factory, they should be constructed in south-west without touching the main premises. Toilets should be placed in north-west or south-eastern part of the buildings, and not in north-east or south-west. Wells, bore wells, water sumps and water ponds etc... should be in the north-eastern area. Over head tanks may be erected in west and nearby,duly maintaining the heights. South-west and north-east sides including north and east should be avoided, for constructing overhead tanks.This is a bit controversial subject and hence one should be very careful in locating the overhead tanks and also the water tanks above the ground level. Heavy machinery has to be installed in south, west or south-west in the factory. Raw materials storage, whether inside factory or sheds outside, should be in south or west or south-west. Products under process or unfinished goods may be kept in west direction. Finished products are to be kept in the north-west corner. It will help for quick movement of the stocks. Weighing machine may be located near the gate either in north or east because that area is not subjected to permanent weight. Transformers, generators, motors, boilers, furnaces, oil engines should be kept in south-east or close to south-east.
Store the plastic bags in the south. Boiler and other instruments that involve exchange of heat must be installed in the south-west corner or in the south. Packing machine must be installed in the north or in the north-west corner. Store the packed milk in the north or north-eastern corner. Install the compressors in the west. Store the curd in the north.
Install the fridge and other cooling plants in the south-east corner or in the south. Raw milk and other materials ought to be stored in the north-western corner. Empty bottles, cans, saucers, filling and aerating machines must be installed in the south. Shopping outlets for cold drinks and ice creams must face the north.
All the equipments and plants must be installed in the south-east corner or south. Tools for cutting ice must also be stored in the south-eastern corner or in the south. Manufactured ice must be stored in the north-western corner or in the north. Water tank must be installed in the north-west, north or west. Cash box must be kept in the north or in the north-eastern corner.
Boiler of the chemical factory must be installed in the south-eastern corner or in the south. Prepared goods may be stored in the north as well as in the south but the raw materials must be kept in the south only. Poisonous and highly reactive chemicals should be stored in the south-eastern, north-eastern or in the north-western corners. Empty glass or plastic bottles should be stored in the south. Filling of chemicals in the bottles must be carried in the south. Mixing of the chemicals and their reactions should take place in the south.
Lathe machine and boiler must be installed in the south-eastern corner or in the south. Store room must be built in the south or in the north. Iron sheet, rods, balls, fresh and junk etc. as well as toilet, urinal etc. should be located in the south-western corners. Store and the manufacturing division must be in the west. Canteen must be situated in the south. There should be no pillar at the centre of the industry. Welding facility must be situated in the south-eastern corner or in the south. There should be an underground water tank in the north-eastern corner or in the west. Stairs, if required, must be given in the south-western corner. Gate of the factory must be given in the north or in the south. These above mentioned rules apply equally to the factories producing electronic goods, autoparts, cement, cooking gas, petrol etc.
Vastu Advice For The Industry
Industries should be such in such a manner that the production should increase and so the movement of finished goods. If they violate the principles of vastu, that can lead to less production, no sale, problem with labour or any hazardous risk.
We have to take care of the following points while studying about the vastu of the industry.
Proper location of the industry regarding roads. The exteriors of the office like shape, slope, height, water level, The location of the beams, The location of the basement, The direction of the Entrance, The direction & placement of the windows, The direction & placement of the heavy machines, The direction & placement of the employees, The direction & placement of the owner, The direction & placement of the raw materials, The direction & placement of the finished goods, The direction and placement of the electrical equipment like generators, The direction and placement of the stairs, The direction & placement of AC, cooler, audio systems, The direction & placement of the oven, The direction & placement of the pantry/kitchen, The direction & placement of the toilets, The direction & placement of the water products, The direction and placement of the administrative area, The direction and placement of the guard room, The direction and placement of the staff quarters, The direction and placement of the water boring, The direction and placement of the staff underground water tank, The direction and placement of the overhead water tank, The direction and placement of the septic tank or the waste disposal, The colour scheme of the industry
Vastu Colors for Home
Colors play a very important role in our lives and have a definite bearing on our fate. Just as our choice of colors reflects our attitude and approach towards life, the color of the walls and every corner of our home deeply impact the happenings around us and affect us negatively or positively. Colors have the capacity of pacifying our mind and stimulating our energy. Our mood, health, happiness are all affected by the colors of our house. Colors can have emotional, intellectual, materialistic, intuitive and many other types of influence on humans. The article deals with the king of Vastu colors, which are suitable to use while painting your house.
Vaastu Colors To Use In House
Red color is known for its vitality and zest. It displays warmth and enlightens your mood the moment you look at it. Due to the qualities it possesses, red is one of the favored colors to be used at home. Red represents power and valor. It is dramatic in mood, emotional, active and ignites passion and desire. It enlivens the interior space and creates excitement and enthusiasm for life. However, red should not be used in the bedroom, as it is too energizing. When used in bedroom, it can be overpowering and stressful for the ones anxious by nature.
Orange color has its own beauty, due to its ethereal qualities. The color inspires spirituality as it represents transcendence and an otherworldly aspect of life. It the best color for your dining room as orange color has the ability to stir, rather stimulate your appetite. Communication, positive feelings, cheerfulness and interaction is enhanced, if you paint your dining room or living room orange. Peach color can also be used in the dining hall, as it gives a cool affect.
Yellow is associated with sun. It nurtures clarity of mind and natural alertness. Yellow also gives a sense of patience and wisdom. Its placement should be chosen with care, as it is a very bright and energizing color. A room that gets direct sunlight need not be painted yellow or peach. However, yellow or sandal-colored walls are just perfect for the prayer, room due to their ability to inspire intellectual clarity.
White symbolizes purity and is highly recommended by Vastu for your ceilings. It also reflects light and brightens the room. In a bedroom located at the northwest direction, white color can be used.
Pink color can be used in the master bedroom or bedrooms located in the south and southwest direction. It is a color which reflects joy, happiness and pure feelings, essential for a happy life.
Green represents harmony and peacefulness. As green is symbolic of nature, it generates calm and inner peace in the house. Green can be used in the study room, as it augments intelligence. Since green brings quick healing and rejuvenation as well, disturbed people or those who need refreshment can calm themselves in a green-colored room
Vastu for Living Room
The living room of any house gives the first impression about the people who live in it. It is the center of the house, which is purposefully decorated, as it serves to welcome the guests. Living room is not just about dรฉcor and style; it’s about a warm reception, greetings and promoting healthy interaction in the future. Vastu can help in creating an ambience of elegance, comfort and compatibility in the room. The article comes up with some valuable Vasthu guidelines for planning a living room, just for your benefit.
Vaastu Tips For Living Room
The location of living room, as per Vastu Shastra, depends on the particular direction that the house faces. For a north or east-facing house, the living room can be on the northeast direction. Similarly, for a west facing house, it can be located on the northwest side. If the house faces the south, then the living room can be on the southeast side.
Furniture Arrangement
Sofa sets can be kept against the south and west walls, but should not touch them. The furniture should be placed in such a way that it allows free movement from the living room into other rooms, but avoid cluttering. It is a good idea to have a floor level or a table mounted podium lamp, with red or orange light, in the area between the items that relate to southeast (energy).
Water Fountains & Fish Aquarium
Water is best kept in the north of the living room. This can be in the form of a small water fountain that runs throughout the day. Fountains that are made of natural materials, like copper, stone, glass, clay, stainless steel, and bamboo, are good for living room. They can be wall, floor or tabletop mounted. You can have a small fish aquarium with seven fishes of one family (red and gold) and two fishes of a different family (black) in the north of the living room.
Protruding & Abrasive Corners
The furniture should not face protruding or sharp corners of columns or pillars. Such protrusions and corners can imbalance the primary elements. To minimize the imbalance, they can be aesthetically camouflaged with indoor plants that are not thorny. Such corners or edges can also be softened with cascading, crawling, or tree-like plants.
Paintings And Pictures
Paintings can be used to generate positive energy in the living room. The north wall of the living room can have paintings/pictures of long distance waters, to stimulate the positive effects of water. Avoid paintings that depict death, violence, or other negative aspects of life.
Electronic Gadgets
If you want to keep television in the living room, place it in such a way that you have to face the east or north corner, while watching it. Power can be drawn from sockets placed in the east of southeast of the living room. Other electronic gadgets, like air conditioners, air coolers, and audio systems, can also be kept in the living room with power being drawn from the east of southeast.
Vastu for Bathroom
Vastu Shastra is the science of house construction. The use of the knowledge of this ancient architectural practice, in the construction of dwelling structures, provides prosperity, disease-free existence and peaceful life all the while. Vastu experts assert that the construction of a house without keeping in mind certain basic tips may lead into various life complications and loss later on. so, whether you are constructing a new house altogether or just making a few additions or renovations, consulting a Vastu expert would prove to be useful. In this article, we have covered Vaasthu remedies for one of the rooms in a house - the bathroom.
Vaastu Tips For Bathroom
As the location of the bathroom is important so is the position of the bathroom accessories. For bathroom construction, the most appropriate location lies in the eastern portion of the house. Drainage system should be in the northeast direction. Therefore, it is advised that the taps and showers should be fixed on the northern side. The north side is also suitable for putting up the mirror.The toilet should be on the west or the northwest side of the room and be 1-2 feet above the ground.
There must be a provision for proper lighting and cross ventilation inside the bathroom. As a part of Vastu remedies for bathroom, it is suggested that the geyser should be placed in the southeast corner. For keeping the washing machine, the suitable directions are southeast and northwest. The bathtub can be placed in the west, while the sink should be kept on the northeast, north or the east side of the room. As per Vastu for bathroom, the door should not be in the southwest direction. If there is an overhead tank, it should always be on the northwest side of the house. The bathroom colors should always be light, as such colors help give a fresh look to the bathroom.White,light blue and pale green are the best choices for the same. Avoid dark colors like black or dark red. Always keep the bathroom shiny and clean, as proper hygiene allows flow of positive energy. You can even use some plants to add a decor element in the bathroom. If you are planning to install tiles in the bathroom, keep them in neutral shades. For the installation of a geyser, southeast direction will be the best.
Vastu for Bedroom
In India, Vastu Shashtra is considered a sacred science that helps people live a stress-free life. People have relied on Vastu for centuries for living in perfect harmony and keeping problems at an arm’s length. It is even more important for your bedroom, where you retire to escape from the worries of the world and have a tension-free sleep. In context of bedroom, Vastu takes into consideration different determinants to ensure harmony in the house. The main things that become important, while constructing and designing bedrooms, are location, placement of bed, color scheme, direction and placement of doors, windows, and furniture, set up of electronic gadgets, etc. Let us explore the basic Vastu guidelines that have to be followed, in case of the bedroom.
Vastu Tips For Bedroom
For ensuring peace in the house, the main bedroom should be constructed in the south direction. While placing the bed, make sure that you keep it in such a way that the occupant sleeps with his/her head pointing towards the south. Having the head in the north direction should be completely avoided, while sleeping, as it acts as a source of nightmares and disturbed sleep.
If you want to have a bookshelf in your bedroom, west or southwest corner is the, as per the Vastu guidelines for a bedroom.
For constructing the master bedroom, southwest direction is just perfect. Other bedrooms can be constructed on the eastern or northern side of the master bedroom. Square and rectangle shape bedrooms are just perfect for ensuring peace and prosperity in the house. Irregular shapes should be completely avoided.
The bedroom door should open at least ninety degrees, to fully allow positive opportunities to flow to you. This is because the door of your bedroom is symbolic of the opportunities life presents you. A door that cannot open fully will limit the support and prospects life has to offer you.The first thing that you see when you enter your bedroom should give you the feeling of peacefulness and serenity. Such feelings can be enhanced by a photograph, inspiring quote, painting, sculpture or even flowers. Locate these things at such a place that the moment you enter your bedroom, your gaze falls on them.
Don’t place your bedroom mirror on the wall opposite your bed, as it disturbs sleep. At such a position, the mirror reflects your image and holds back your stress, rather than allowing you to throw it off. Remove clutter from under you bed, as it keeps your mind lingering in the past and hinders future progress. Wherever clutter exists, you life energy becomes stagnant. Clutter is symbolic of all that has not been completed in your life. It will also not allow you to have a sound sleep, as it disturbs your subconscious mind.
Don’t sleep in direct alignment with sharp corners. This can create stress in your nervous system. In a room that has sharp corners, you will never be able to experience peace, unless you soften them by placing plants in front. Also, move your bed away from direct alignment with them. The Vastu colors ideal for your bedroom are soft pastel shades of blue, green and off white. Avoid using dark and excessively bright colors in your bedroom. Vastu Shastra rejects the idea of keeping an aquarium in the bedroom. It is believed that if they live there, they will attract material loss, Avoid placing divine idols in the bedroom. The best place for them is your pooja room.
Vastu for Children Room
Vastu shastra, the ancient architectural practice of India, covers each and every aspect of a house, right from the kitchen to the garage to the children room. Talking about the last aspect, designing your kids' room as per Vastu ensures that the whole ambience contributes to your child's development, mental as well as physical. So, whether it is the location of the kids' room in a house or the placement of furniture in the children room, Vastu tips and guidelines should be followed at each and every step. Some of the important guidelines have been mentioned below as well.
Vastu Tips For Children's Room
The apt direction for constructing children's room is west. Apart from that, west, northwest, northeast and southeast directions can also be used for constructing kids' room. Totally avoid the southwest direction. In a kid's room, the bed can be placed in the southwest corner. Place the bed in such a way that your child has his/ her head facing the east or south direction, while sleeping. As a part of Vastu guidelines for children room, it is recommended to avoid placing the mirror on the opposite side of the bed.
If you want to keep furniture items in a children’s room, keep them a few inches away from the wall. Don't have the furniture attached to the wall, as it obstructs the flow of positive energy. The study desk should be placed in such a manner that the child faces east, north or northeast corner while studying. East is the most appropriate direction, as it paves way for enhanced concentration.Avoid placing a television or computer directly opposite the bed. The television set or the computer monitor, when switched off, reflects the bed, just like a mirror, and is a bad omen. If you must have a mirror and a television in the bedroom, have them either on the left or the right side of the bed.
The door to children’s room should not be exactly opposite to the bed. Rather, try placing it an angle from the door.Sharp edges and pointing nooks comprise of something that is better avoided in children's room. The center of kids' room should always be empty. Try to avoid placing something in there. The almirahs and cabinets should always be located in south or west direction of the room. Up-lighters, when placed in the southeast corner of children’s room, help promote health and generate positive energy.
Sharp lights as well as spot lights should never ever be used in kids' room, as they tend to create mental strain.The doors as well as windows of children's room are best designed in the east or north. The windows should be opposite to the door. Green color proves the best for kids' room, as it is associated with freshness and peace and increases brain power as well.
Vastu for Dining Room
Dining room is a very important part of the house and should be carefully planned. There are people who think that a dining room is not really required, but it is good to have one rather than having your meals in any part of the home. Vastu for dining room makes sure that the food you are eating will have positive effects on you and your family. There are plenty of things to be considered, while giving the right Vastu remedies for dining room, like the proper location of dining room, proper placement of dining table, position of electronic gadgets, the direction you face while eating food, and so on. Let us explore all the basic Vastu remedies for dining room.
Vastu Tips For Dining Room
The ideal location for the construction of dining room is the west portion of the house. Construction should be done in such a manner that both the dining room and kitchen are on the same floor, lying adjacent to each other. The most suitable wall colors for the dining room are the shades of pink and orange. The door leading to the dining room should be on the east, north, or west side of the room. It should not have arches.
The door of the dining room and the main entrance door of the house should not face each other directly. It is best to face east or west while eating. The head of the family should face east during meals. Other members of the family can face east, north, or west, but it is not advisable to face south. If you want to place a fridge in the dining room, then southeast direction would be just apt.If you want to make provision for fitting a washbasin in your dining room, then the right place would be either eastern or northern corner.
The dining table should not be round or oval but either square or rectangular. It should not fold from the wall or be attached to the wall. A sink can be located in the northeast corner of the dining room, or on the north or east sides of the room. Children should sit on the dining table, facing north or east. They should not sit in the southwest corner, as they tend to gain control of the house at such a place and impose their will over the parents.
There should be water in the north-east corner of the room. Washbasin should be in the east or the north, leaving the southeast and the southwest corner free. It is most profitable to have the dining room in the west side of the building. If it is in the east or the north, it is tolerably good. It should be ensured that while eating in the dining room, there is no beam or loft over your head. Nature portraits and paintings in the dining room make the atmosphere happy and enhance general pleasure.
Vastu for Doors & Windows
Doors and windows are essential furnishing articles of the house and make living a pleasurable experience. Doors and windows not only act as a passage through which air enters the house, but also as a gateway for energies. A window in the wrong direction would let in negative energies in the house. However, a window in the right direction would allow positive energies and increase the prosperity and affluence of the people staying inside. While, today, people are mostly concerned about the designing done on the doors and windows, it's the direction and placement which should be a matter of botheration. In the following lines, we have provided tips and guidelines to installing doors and windows, as per vastu.
Vaastu Tips For Doors & Windows
The direction of the doors and the windows is an important consideration to make. Ideally, a house with maximum number of doors and windows opening in north and east sides, rather than south and west, of the building is considered auspicious. The main door of the house should be bigger in size as compared to the other doors in the house. Also, it should be more beautiful than others.
Preferably, doors of all the rooms should be of the same size. However, if you want one of them to be bigger, then doors in south and west side should be the one. Make sure not to make the north and the east side doors bigger than the rest. A house should have even numbers of doors and windows At the time of fixing the doorframe in an internal wall, make sure that the doorframe is not fixed contiguous to the main wall of the house. There should be a minimum of 4" pad built, before fixing the doorframe to a lateral wall.
Take care of the cross ventilation at the time of fixing the doors and windows. A good way to ensure this would be to fix doors and windows opposite to each other, so as to have better light and air.
Make sure that the doors are not in the center of the wall. Instead, a door should ways be off-centered.
For an east facing house, the main door or entrance should be towards the east, so that the main door falls in the Northern half of that side. Such a door yields good results and is considered very auspicious.
A west facing house should have the main door in the west, so that the main door falls in the Northern half of that side. If the house is north facing, the entrance should be fixed towards North, so that is falls in the eastern half of that side. When a house is south facing, the entrance should be fixed towards North, so that the door falls in the Eastern half of that side. If you have two houses in the same floor, opposite to each other, make sure that their main door does not open exactly towards each other.
As for the material used for the door and windows, try to have one type of wood for all. Teak serves as the best option for doors and windows.Irregular shaped doors and windows are a strict no-no, as they are deemed inauspicious. Ideally, the door size should be in ratio of 2:1 in respect to height and width, its normal size being 7' X 3'. For the windows, though the sizes of width may differ, they should have symmetry in height.
Ensure that there is no obstruction in front of main door such as rails, staircase, big trees, and so on. Temple, lamppost or any other obstruction is also not feasible. Making doors at the beginning and the end of the staircase is a good sign. A doorway in the east is extremely auspicious. However, one can also have doorways in the northern and western side. A doorway in the south side is not permissible.
Vastu for Drawing Room
Drawing room is as important as any other part or corner of a house. Just as the rest of the house should be planned according to Vastu guidelines, so should be the drawing room. It is one part of the house where the members spend a lot of time and which is also used to entertain guests. Therefore, it is extremely important to do a careful setting of your drawing room, so that it exudes positive energy and fosters healthy relationships. The article brings you some valuable vastu tips to plan the drawing room in the best way possible. Follow the advice given here to keep your drawing room a positive and happy place.
Vastu Tips For Drawing Room
The north direction is ideal for the construction of drawing room. As per Vastu, it is advisable to keep square or rectangle shape furniture in the drawing room. Southern and western corners of the room are perfect for placing the furniture. The telephone should be placed in the southwest and other electrical appliances (except TV) are best in the southeast direction. The perfect place for keeping sofa lies in northwest. Avoid placing
L-shaped sofa in your drawing room.
TV can be kept in the southeast direction and showcase cum almirah in the southwest corner. On either side of the TV, pictures or idol of family or clan deities, along with a deity you worship more, should be put up. This will enable one to look at these holy pictures while watching TV. Thus entertainment plus positive energy and pure thoughts will come together. Cooler or A.C should be placed in west or north direction. Avoid keeping AC or Cooler in southeast or northwest direction.
The head of the house and his wife should sit in the southwest corner of the room, facing east or north-east. This will ensure stability and positive energy. The guests should be seated in the northwest or southeast. Seating arrangement for the guests should be done in such a manner that they face southern or western direction. Pictures showing water bodies, aquariums or water fountains should preferably be placed in north to east area, as this brings fortune. The flow of water shown in the picture should point towards the interior of the house. Such pictures inspire positive energy and keep your mind calm.
The color of the walls in living room should be white, yellow, blue or green. Prefer light color over dark colors. Avoid black and red color in living room. Light colors in the living room will continue to brighten up the mood and convey a feeling of warmth. Square, rectangle and round shapes are best, when it comes to the center table that has to be kept in the drawing room. According to the Vastu advice for drawing rooms, there should more of open space in the northern and eastern corners
Vastu Tips for Flat
The architecture of flats should follow the guidelines laid by Vastu Shashtra or it can have a damaging affect on our lives. You can invite calamities in your life, if you chose to ignore Vastu advice while building a flat for yourself. Vastu helps to make your living comfortable in flats and prevent illness and other dangers from creeping into your life or relationships. The article brings some very important guidelines to be kept in mind while planning the architecture of a flat. Go through them and know the right Vasthu for flats, to make your life happy and prosperous.
Vaastu Tips For Flat
According to Vaastu, the master bedrooms should be in the southwest corner of the house. If the house has more than one floor, then the master bedroom should be on the topmost floor. The ceiling should be in level; as it makes the energy of the room uniform and helps the occupants keep a steady state of mind.
The children’s room should be constructed in the northwest corner. No bedroom should be located in the southwest direction.The bathroom should be constructed in the west or south direction and its drains should flow towards northeast.
The drawing room should be in northwest, south or west direction. The furniture should be placed in south and west directions. Maximum open space should be in north and east directions. The kitchen must be situated in the fire angle, i.e. in southeast. The cook should face east while cooking. The water tap in kitchen should be in the northeast direction. Northeast, northwest, north, west, east corners are best for a study room. If the study room and place of worship room are adjacent, then it is considered most favorable.The store room should be constructed in the southern part of the building. Grain and other provisions can be stored in the kitchen or in other rooms and cupboards. Things should not be stored in box beds, because it causes sleeping disorders.
Daily wastes from the kitchen should be kept covered in the southwest corner of the kitchen.The doors should be in the north and east. The waves emerging from the doors affect the mind of a person who enters from the door.Guest room should be in the northwest direction. The room in this direction is also considered suitable for unmarried girls.The rooms in the northern part of the house should be larger than the rooms in the southern side, by 6-9 inches, and lower by 1-3 inches. The ideal height of the rooms should be 12-14 feet. The main door should be larger than the inner doors and all doors should open facing the walls. All windows should be, at least, 3 feet above ground level, and at the same level from the top. Window openings should be on the northern and eastern sides of the buildings
Vastu for Garage
Though one of the most ignored area, garage is as important as the house itself. Just as a vastu perfect house radiates positive energies and promises a healthy life of the people staying in it, the same is applicable to the garage as well. For better efficiency and long life of a vehicle, the garage should have a correct vastu. The car should be housed properly and in the right direction, else be prepared for incurring a lot of expense. To get detailed information about vasthu for garage, read through the following tips and guidelines given below.
Vaastu Tips For Garage
The location of the garage is one of the first considerations you need to make. Ideally, car garage should be in the northwest or southeast of your house. If the car is placed in the west side of the northwest positioned garage, be prepared to undergo a lot of traveling. Very rarely would the car remain in the garage. For a car parked in the southwest corner, it would require minor repair work. The floor level of the garage would be an inclined one, sloping towards the north or east direction. The size of the garage should be such that a minimum of 2 to 3 feet of walking space should be left after parking the car inside. This would also ensure the movement of light and air in the garage.
Make sure that the car shed does not touch the main building or the compound wall.
Parking the car in the northeast direction is a strict no-no. Since northeast is deemed as the access point for heavenly forces, a car parked herein would obstruct the forces. However, if you the garage in the basement, parking in the northeast area is permissible.Remember, a garage in the southwest would mean rare usage of the car. Your car would rarely come out of the parking space and would require constant repairing. At the time of parking, always park your car with its front portion facing the north or east. This would ensure that the car would never get overheated. In case you park your car facing the south or west side, chances are that your car might face fire hazards.Ideally, the gate of the garage should face the north or east direction. Make sure the height of the garage gate is not more than the main gate of the wall. Also, it should open freely, i.e. there should not be any hindrance.The path where the garage gate opens should be clear, allowing easy accessibility for the car's movement. As for the colors of the garage, white, yellow or any other light color is considered auspicious for the garage.Do not store any waste material or inflammable material in the garage, lest chances are that these might cause unnecessary harm to the garage.
Vastu For Portico
For those who have less space, constructing a garage will not be possible. As such the best bet would be to construct a portico for parking the car.The location of the portico should be in the north or east of northeast in the plots facing north or east directions. Make sure that the portico does not touch the main building. Constructing pillars away from the main building with cantilever roof would be an ideal scenario. When it comes to parking the car, north facing car is auspicious for businessmen while east facing car is good for politicians, administrators and government officers.
Vastu for Garden
The planning and design of your garden can have a significant effect on your mood, health and prosperity. Gardens are built in the house, so as to enable a person to feel close to nature and enjoy the serenity and calmness affected by the presence of plants and fountains. People make gardens for their refreshing character. Lush green surroundings help in relaxing and restoring inner peace. Vastu can be of immense help in tapping such natural beauty and its energizing qualities. The article lists some wonderful Vasthu advice for gardens, just for you!
Vaastu Tips For Garden
Garden, lawns or decorative plants should always be in the east or the north direction. A water fall of three to four feet can be constructed in the east or north direction, leaving the north-east or north-west corner.You can keep decorative plants in a garden, but they should not be more than three feet tall.
If you want to keep swings in your garden, they should be placed in the east or the north.The house of your pet or a bird’s nest can be located in the north-west corner of the garden.Sitting areas are best planned in the south and west direction and should be facing north and east.
A garden needs to have a focal point that is visually comforting and inspiring. It can be a fountain, fish aquarium, rocky landscaping, statue (not depicting any form of violence), small idol of your deity, wastika, Om or anything that has a pleasant look to it. As a rule, the garden has to be kept clean and free of litter. Make it a point to remove dry creepers, leaves, flowers, and overgrown shrubs on a regular basis. The lawns should be mowed regularly, as they create an environment for the normal flow of energies.A athway from the front gate of the building to the main entrance will prove to be quite beneficial. On each side of the pathway, grow herbal plants, like basil, and flower plants, like jasmine. A tree or plant in the middle of the path needs to be avoided.Fruit-bearing trees should be planted in the east direction. A rock garden can be made in the south-west corner of the garden. If there is a swimming pool in the garden, it should face the north or north-east direction. A swimming pool in the centre, towards the south, southeast or southwest and even the northwest needs to be avoided. It can result in unwanted events, brings egativity in the mind of the residents and adversely affects their health.The fountains or water ponds should not be built in the centre of a garden. Rather, they need to follow the same principles as the placement of swimming pools. If their placement is wrong, they cause problems with respect to mental peace and health. Fountains, ponds or artificial springs are svery favorable when located in the northeast
Vastu for Guest Room
Indian culture has always been very respecting of guests, even treating them at par with God. Indians welcome guests with great warmth and treat them as a part of their family only. A guest room is the place where guest stay and just like other rooms in the house, it needs to follow the right Vastu. It will help the guests completely enjoy their stay and at the same time, spread happiness and warmth in the entire house. In the absence of a guest room that has been planned according to Vastu directions, your guests can become dominating and even bother the peace and stability of your house. The article recommends some beneficial Vasthu advice for your guest room.
Vaastu Tips For Guest Room
The guest room should not be constructed in the southwest direction of the house because it is meant for the owner (Head of the Family) only.You can plan the guest room in the northwest direction of the house. It is a clear and suitable place for the guests to stay in your house. You may plan to construct the guest room in the southern direction as well. However, it will be better to consult a vastu expert before choosing this direction.You can place or plan the guest room at agneya corner (southeast corner) also. There is nothing troublesome with this direction.
The door of the guest room should follow Vastu guidelines as well. Northeast door, facing east direction; Northeast door, facing north direction; Southeast door, facing south direction and Northwest door, facing west direction are the most preferred choices.If the guest room is situated at vayavya corner (northwest corner) or agneya corner, you can place the bathroom for this room at Nairuthi corner also, but don’t orget to take advice of an experienced Vastu consultant beforehand.
If the guest room is situated at vayavya corner, you must provide window at northeast corner, towards the north direction, or in the west direction. If the guest room is situated at agneya corner, you need to keep a window at south or southeast direction. Nothing serious is observed, even if you provide window at outhwest direction. As it is, the agneya corner guest room crosses the middle point of the house, so if you keep the window in the southwest direction also, it will still be alright.Whether you want to provide an attached bathroom with the guest room or not is entirely your choice. Vastu shashtra neither advocates it, nor asks you to avoid it
Vastu for Kitchen
In a house, kitchen is the place where the meals are cooked. There can be no other place in a house that is as important as the kitchen. It is advisable to plan your kitchen according to Vastu recommendations, as it has the most direct effect on your health. When it comes to kitchen, Vastu takes into consideration various things that, when properly placed, ensure safety in the kitchen. Some of the essential eterminants are proper location of the kitchen, direction and placement of doors and windows, placement of cooking gas, gas cylinder, sink, refrigerator and other electronic gadgets, and so on. With this article, let us explore the most useful Vastu remedies for kitchen.
Vaastu Tips For Kitchen
The ideal place for the location of kitchen is the southeast corner. An alternative choice can be the northwest corner of the house. As per the Vastu remedies for kitchen, certain directions that are a total no-no for the construction of the kitchen are: northeast, mid-north, mid-west, southwest, mid-south and the center of the house. Make sure that the cooking platform does not touch eastern or northern wall.
The best direction for cooking is facing east, as this direction is considered to be auspicious. Keep in mind that the stove in your kitchen should never be visible from the outside. It can lead to digestion problems for the family members.Remember that taps and sinks should not be very close to the cooking range. Fire and water repel against each other.
It's best to have the kitchen sink in the northeast direction. If there is a dishwasher in the kitchen, place it in the northwest side of the kitchen. The other water elements like drinking water should be placed in the northeast.Different electrical appliances also have to be kept at a right place in the kitchen, according to Vastu shastra. For example, if the refrigerator is placed inside the kitchen, then keep it in the southwest direction. Exhaust fans in the kitchen should always be fitted on the eastern walls in the southeast corner. Other electrical appliances, like microwave, should be put in the southeast corner.
Storage is also a very important aspect of the kitchen. If you have cabinets in the northeast side, use it for storing light things only. Have elaborate storage units, built in to give a clean and tidy look to the kitchen. If your kitchen has overhead storage cupboards, avoid having them over the cooking range. While onstructing the kitchen, make adequate provision for cross ventilation.The big windows of the kitchen should be in the east direction, while the smaller ones should be towards the south. The suitable colors for the kitchen, other than green, are soft pink and orange.There should be no toilets adjoining, above or below the kitchen.Food should never be served in the center of the kitchen.Clocks in the kitchen should always be placed on the south or the southwest walls.
Vastu for Locker Room
Locker room is one of the most important rooms in the house and determines the prosperity and affluence of the house. While determining the position of the locker room, there are a number of considerations you need to make. According to vastu shastra, locker room should be ideally located in north direction of the house. Everything right from color, size and shape to direction and placement of the room should be correct; else the outflow of money would be greater than the inflow. Also, make sure that the room should be fully secured and safe for keeping cash, jewelry and ornaments. To get detailed information about vasthu for locker room, browse through the tips & guidelines given below.
Vaastu Tips For Locker Room
Room - Size & Shape
While looking forward to achieving the perfect vaastu for the locker room, the size and shape of the room is the first consideration one needs to think of. Ideally, locker room should be square or rectangular in shape. Odd shaped locker rooms are a strict no-no. These days, due to less space, constructors give least importance to the shape of the room. Triangular or even pentagon sided rooms are a common sight to look at. Apart from ensuring the shape room, one should also make sure that any side of the locker room is not extended. Also, the height of the locker room should not be less than that of other rooms.
Locker Direction
The location or positioning of the locker is another important consideration to make. The locker or almirah should idyllically be placed in south side of the room, leaving south-east and south-west of the room. While the locker should have its back towards the south wall, the front side should be facing the north wall. Do not place the locker in north-east corner; else it would cause loss of wealth. South-east and north-west corner are also not preferred either as it can lead to unnecessary expenditure.
Locker Placement
While placing the locker in the right direction, make sure that it is about an inch away from the wall. Do not stick it to the wall. Make sure that the locker is about a foot away from the north-west or south-west corner. If the room does not have too much of space, locker or almirah can also be placed in the east direction.
Doors & Windows
Talking about the doors and windows in the room, the locker room should ideally have only one door with two shutters. While the trend these days is to have doors with one shutter, two shutters doors are considered more auspicious. Ideally, the door of the locker room should be in the north or east direction. The room should not have door in the south-east, south-west, north-west and in south direction. For the windows, they should preferably be in the east and north directions in this room
Color Scheme
Though it might sound surprising, but colors also have a story of their own. While some colors are considered auspicious and promising, there are others which are regarded as ominous and ill-fated. Some colors bring in bountiful of riches, prosperity and wealth, there are others that bring in bad luck and misfortune. For the locker room, the color yellow is deemed as the most favorable one. For a perfect vaastu approved space, the wall and floor of the locker rooms should be done in yellow. It is believed that yellow brings in increment in wealth
Additional Tips
North is the most preferable location of the locker room. However, of north cannot be suited, east is the next best location for the locker room. Make sure that the locker is not placed under the beam as it outs unnecessary pressure on it. Placing locker in any of the corners of the room is a strict no-no. The locker rooms should be free from clutter and mess. It should be extremely neat and clean.Gold, silver and other valuables should ideally be kept in the western or southern side of the locker.A mirror that reflects the locker is a good omen. It is believed to double the opportunity to gain wealth.Fountain with gentle sound of the water flowing provides positive energy to the rooms and also increases the inflow of money. A birdbath or feeder in house yard to attract wildlife increases the amount of energy around your house as well as brings in wealth.
Vastu for Overhead Tank
Overhead tanks are an important feature of a building or a house. The water that is stored in the well or the borewell has to be pumped into the overhead tank, in order for it to be able to flow down into the house. According to vastu shastra, there are some set principles that should be followed during the construction of water sump in a building. The ancient sages had founded these principles and it is considered a science or an extension of architecture. If the water tank is placed in the right area, it would definitely lead to an increase in wealth, prosperity and knowledge. To get tips and guidelines about vasthu for overhead tank, read through the following lines.
Vaastu Tips For Overhead Tank
The location or placement of the overhead tank is one of the main factors one should look into. Ideally, the overhead tank should be in the west or south west direction. For the overhead tank which is placed in the southwest direction, it should be at least two feet over the uppermost slab. Due to water, the side becomes heavy which acts advantageous. However, make sure that there is no dampness. The best bet would be to place the tank on a slab higher than the slab of the building.
Though northeast corner belongs to the element - water, it is not advisable to have a big overhead tank in the area. This is because the side should not be heavy under any condition. However, a small tank can be placed. Overhead tank in the south-east corner is a bad omen and results in loss of wealth and accidents. The effect of overhead tank in the south direction is of medium effect. However, make sure that the tank is two feet above the slab of the roof and should not leak. Placing the tank in the west side (not southwest) would be extremely beneficial as the direction belongs to Lord Varuna, lord of rains. In such a case, there is no need of a slab and the tank can be built over the slab as well.
Avoid placing the overhead tank in the north-west direction. However, if the tank is of a small size, less height and situated at a distance of at least two feet from the north-west corner, it can be permissible. However, the water in the tank does not get used properly and finishes earlier than expected. Never place the overhead tank in the middle. Remember, this place is known as the Bramhasthan. If there is load on the Brahma, life of the individuals living in the house would be unfeasible. One would also not like staying in the house for a long time. Avoid overhead tanks made out of plastic. If you were to get one, make sure it is blue or black in color, as darker shades absorb sunrays. Make sure you have different tanks for ifferent purpose. While drinking and cooking water can be from one tank, water for toilets and bathrooms can come from another one.
Vastu for Pooja Room
According to vastu shastri,pt.laxminarayan tiwari,pooja room is the life of the house.The pooja room in your house should be planned according to Vastu Shashtra, because it the place where you meditate and worship. So, it is important to gain positive energies to connect to God. If your pooja room is designed according to the right Vastu, after seeking the advice of expert consultants, you will feel charged and rejuvenated after meditation and your mind will not wander into different directions when you sit to worship. The article comes up with the most suitable Vastu tips and advice for your pooja room. Go through them to know the correct Vasthu for your puja room.
Vaastu Tips For Pooja Room
The best location for pooja room is the Northeast direction. A pooja room in north quadrant gives positive results. You can go for east, north and north-east directions as well. Avoid other directions to locate your pooja room. Special pooja can be performed in Brahmasthana (center of house). In plots with bigger areas, pooja room can be in Brahmasthan (central portion) of the house. It should be on ground floor, not on first floor or in the basement. Avoid constructing your pooja room under the stairs or basement.
The doors and windows of pooja room should be in north and east directions, respectively. The doors should have two shutters. The doors should not have any door closer and a ventilator in the pooja room is a must. The walls of pooja room should be painted in white, light yellow or light blue color. Its floor should be of white or off-white marble in color. Cupboard for placing things should be in south or west of pooja room. It is favorable to have a threshold in pooja room.
The idols should be kept in northeast side of pooja room. The idols should not face one another, or the door of pooja room. Two idols of same god should not be placed in pooja room. The idols should be, at least, one inch away from walls. ‘Kalash’ or water body should be in north or east of the room. ‘Deepak’, lamp and ‘Agni kund' should be in south-east. The members of the house should face east while orshipping. Avoid keeping heavy, cluttered and broken idols in the pooja room. Avoid photos of dead people in pooja room. There should be only pooja room in a house and it should not be used for other purposes, like storage etc.
Some Other Tips
The pooja room should never ever be made in the bedroom,The pooja room should not be made above electrical appliances or gas stoves,The pooja room should not touch the same wall as the toilet, The pooja room should not be built opposite a bathroom or toilet,The pooja room should be neat and clean. Avoid dirt or clutter therein and keep it fragrant,The ground floor is the ideal location for a pooja room.
Vastu for Staircase
Just like any other corner of the house, Vastu Shashtra has laid down rules and given recommendations on how to construct the staircase as well. Certain basic rules are to be followed while building the stairs in your house. The ideal directions given by Vastu should be followed to lead a prosperous and safe life. Being a heavy structure, a staircase should never be built in negative zones, as it can lead to a lot of losses. To avoid such troublesome situations, it is rightly advised to follow the correct Vastu when one plans to build the staircase. The article gives some valuable Vasthu tips and guidelines to plan and accordingly, construct your stairs, so that they bring affluence and help you to flourish.
Vaastu Tips For Staircase
Make the staircase southern or western part of the house as these directions are heavy. It should never be built in the northeast corner of the house, as it leads to loss of wealth and the owner may even have to face bankruptcy. In fact, the staircase in any other corner except the recommended one brings losses. Build staircase in southeast facing east, northwest facing north, southwest facing west and southwest facing south, if it is external.
Begin the stairs from the east to west or from the north to south and a turn can be taken to any other side, if there is a dearth of space.Make the number of stairs odd. It should not end with zero. The number of isers should be such odd numbers that when divided by 3, the remainder is always 2.Paint staircase in light colors and completely avoid red and black shades.Repair broken stairs immediately, as it may cause accidents or mental tension, following clashes. Do not make staircase circular as it may cause ill effects on health. The staircase should not encircle the building because it invites calamites.
Do not build any room, such as kitchen, bathroom or pooja room, under staircase. The area can certainly be used for storage, though.Do not use common staircase for going upstairs and to the basement as well. The room with staircase in the southwest corner of the basement is not at all fit for living according to Vastu. As per observations, people living in such rooms experience undiagnosed diseases, high blood pressure, anemia and usually remain incurable.
Keeping doors at beginning and end of the staircase is considered auspicious. Care should be taken to ensure that the stairs do not touch the eastern or northern walls.If a linear staircase is designed either inside or outside the house, it should begin from east to west or north to south. Afterwards, it may take any direction.Staircase should be built in a way that the stairs are not directly visible to the guests. It is considered inauspicious.
Vastu for Study Room
Vastu for study room is extremely important to strengthen the child’s concentration and stamina to sit for long without feeling tired. Some children begin to study, but can’t continue for long due to weak concentration. Vastu, precisely, helps solve such problems and assists in gaining control over your mind, in order to boost focus. A lack of focus is the usual complaint from children and the designing the study room according to Vastu recommendations is the key to this problem. The article lists some useful Vasthu tips and advice for your study room. Just follow them and see the difference!
Vaastu Tips For Study Room
Direction Of Study Room
The study room should be located in directions that are considered auspicious for studies, such as east, north and northeast. According to Vastu, these directions improve the concentration of a student, while studying. Make sure that there is no mirror reflection in the study room. This may have effect of doubling their work load. Make sure that the student does not study under a beam; otherwise he/ she may feel unnecessary pressure.
Placement Of Study Table
The placement of study table is imperative for good concentration. You should place study table in a way that the child faces east or north while studying. The table should not stick to the wall. There should be open space in front of child as, it fosters the arrival of fresh ideas. The child should have a solid wall behind him, as it signifies support. The study table should be square or rectangular in shape and not too big or too small in size. A small table can be uncomfortable to work on, while, a big table can adversely affect the competence of a child.
Bookshelves and cabinets should be located in the east, north, and north-east directions. The cabinets should not be placed in the center of room. It is best to leave central portion of the study room empty. Avoid placing bookshelf above study table. It may create undue stress for child. Do not clutter the study table with lots of books.
Wall Colors
The walls of study room should be painted in light colors, like green, light green, blue, cream and white, rather than dark colors. Light colors are very auspicious according to vastu and augment the retention power of students. Avoid using black color in study room.
Lights have a very crucial affect on one’s ability to study. The study room should be properly lit. Dim lights are not favorable for child’s education and focus. Sunlight gives us positive energy for doing work and therefore, the windows of study room should be in east or north of the room. A table lamp is another source of proper light, which helps in concentrating on the task. If the child is using table lamp, it should be placed in south-east of the table.
If the study room is not meant to sleep in and will only be used for studying and meditation, a pyramidal shaped room can give fantastic results. Otherwise, go for the regular square or rectangular shapes.
Origin of Vastu
The concept of consulting a Vastu expert, for creating peaceful settings at home and workplace, is quite popular today. However, unlike what most people tend to believe, this scientific study of directions, for architectural purposes, is not new. In fact, it has its origin in the Sthapatya Veda, a part of the Atharva Veda, which dates back to thousand of years ago. The early principles of Vastu were framed on the basis of observation of the sunrays, at different times in the day. These observations were noted and important inferences drawn later on, on the basis of an in-depth screening.
Vastu study incorporates within itself the principles of sculptures, construction and architecture, as they have been described in the epics. One can find its mention in different epics, like Mataysya Purana, Skanda Purana, Agni Purana, Garuda Purana, and Vishnu Purana. From ancient literature, it is found that that the construction of various temples and architectures like temples and palaces was based on Vastu only. There are many ancient shastras, like Vishvakarma Prakash, Samraangan Sutradhar, Kashyap Shilpshastra, Vrihad Sanhita, and Praman Manjaree, which pass over the Vastu knowledge to the next generation.
References to Vastu Shastra can also be found in the Mahabharata. The epic tells that when kings were invited to the city of Indraprastha, for the Rajasuya Yagna of King Yuddhistira, a number of houses were built, all of which followed Vastu guidelines. These houses were free from obstructions and had big compounds with great walls. The symmetry of various elements required for the construction of the palace was also taken into consideration. Even the mayasabha of the Mahabharata was built according to the ancient principles of Vastu Shastra.
Vastu finds mention in Ramayana as well. The construction of the holy city of Ayodhya, where Lord Rama was born and ruled, shared a similarity with the plan written in the great architectural text Manasara. Even the Ramsetu of Ramayana was based on Vastu principles. Buddhist literature also makes numerous mentions of buildings based on Vastu. It is said that Lord Buddha used to deliver discourses on architecture and he was very much conscious of the construction of the buildings in order. There is a mention of various viharas, temples, houses, buildings in the various Buddhist texts, based on vastu.
Great Ancient Works Based On Vastu Shastra
Vishwakarma Vastu Shastra
Samarangana Sutradhar
Mandana Sutradhar
Rajasimha Vastu
Manushyalaya Chandrika
Kashyapa Shilpa
Aparajita Pricha
Vastu for Career
The right Vastu advice is indispensable for a brilliant career. It is essential to organize your workplace according to Vastu guidelines, to achieve success. At the same time, it also helps develop a harmonious and cordial working relationship with your colleagues. Right from where your sit to how you sit is crucial in determining whether you’ll succeed in your career or not. Consulting a Vastu expert is advisable, in case you want to introduce major changes in your office. Read the article for some very useful Vasthu tips and advice to bolster your career. Follow them to set on a good career path right from this day.
Vaastu Tips For Career
Location Of Chamber
Different professionals have different styles of offices. If you are a writer, an artist or a research scholar, an ideal location for your office would be along the back wall of the office. Such an office should not have a direct and immediate contact with the main entrance. A residential office should not be located next to a bedroom. The offices of government officials and heads of corporate houses should be located far from the main entrance. An office that is protected from interrupting visitors flourishes. Do not sit cross-legged at your workplace.
Seating Arrangement
Avoid pointed edges of tables at business meetings. While you are in a conference room, negotiating with your business colleagues, try to be seated farthest from the main door of the chamber. At your work place, do not sit with your back exposed to the entrance. Go for a chair with a high back and an armrest that provides balance as well as support. Overhead beams or fans are considered inauspicious and should be avoided. At the same time, try not to have anything sharp and angular pointing directly at you.
Shape Of The Desk
Oval-shaped, L-shaped or U-shaped desks are not favorable for growth in career. Keep smooth rectangular desks in your office. Wooden desks are the most profitable of all. Go for a glass-topped desk if your office is in the west direction. Never position your desk at a place where it confronts protruding corners. If you can't avoid them, place a range of plants to camouflage such edges. Keep your desk in the far right corner of your cabin, in a way that it appears diagonal from the door.
Flower Power
Keep a vase of fresh flowers on the east side of your desk. Make sure to have a few buds in the flower arrangement, as they represent emergence of new life. On the other hand, wilting petals signify gradual demise. So, keep changing the flowers in your vase, replacing the stale flowers with fresh ones. At the same time, keep plants in the southeast corner of your office, as it promotes financial growth.
Some More Advice
Light, in the southern corner of your table, ensures good business. It is mandatory to keep your office well-lit.Quartz crystals in your office are good for a smooth career and also bring in more opportunities. Keep the telephone in the north, east, or southeast corner and make sure that the wires are not visible. Face the north when you work, for boosting concentration.
Vastu for Happy Married Life
Every person in this world hopes to have a happily married life in future. However, for many, the dream remains just a dream and not a reality. Now, you may be wondering that even after marrying the person whom one loves, the marriage does not remain a rosy affair. Why does a relationship, which was all so romantic and blissful before tying the knot, ends to be a sour one? The problem is - wrong placements of important objects. Vastu defects can cause dramatic effects on the personal life of an individual. So, in case you are looking to amend your home and end up living a happy married life, read through the vasthu tips and guidelines given in the following lines.
Vaastu Tips For Happy Married Life
Ideally, the bedroom should be placed in the south west corner of the house. Do not have the bedroom in the south east corner, as it is mainly for fire place. A southeast room would cause clashes between the couple. In the room, the bed should be in the southwest portion, with the head-side in the south direction. A bed positioned in the northern and eastern zone of the bedroom would cause mental stress and financial instability.Though metal beds are in vogue and much in fashion, idyllically according to vastu shastra, wooden beds should be used. The shape of the bedroom should be preferably square or rectangular. Irregular shaped rooms are not advisable.
As for the color of the bedroom, green, light blue and rose pink are ideal ones. While light colors are preferable, avoid red. Many-a-times there occurs friction between family members. This is mainly because of the positioning of the gas stove and sink. While the gas stove represents agni (fire), the sink stands for water. If agni element and water element are wrongly placed, relations in a family are affected.
Sharp objects such as knife and scissors should be covered. The same is applicable to pickles as well. Openly placed knife and scissors or pickles creates sourness in relations.
Couples aspiring for children should never sleep in a northeast room. The strong magnetic energies act as a barrier. Also, make sure that the room does not have any sharp colors or objects. The placement of water tank also acts as a hindrance in conception. A water tank placed in the southwest direction is absolutely prohibited. Mirrors are a strict no-no for the bedroom. Also, computers and TV are not advisable to be in the room. However, if you have TV and computer in bedroom, cover them with a cloth while sleeping in the night.
Paintings that symbolize death, quarrels, violence or any negative aspect of life are not permissible in the house. For maintaining a prosperous love life, make sure that the color of the room is not dull. Also, there should not be any single identity in the couple room, such as duck and butterfly. Avoid any thing that causes stress in the bedroom. Never sleep under the beam. It causes unnecessary pressure and also is detrimental in terms of health. Money should be kept in the northern or eastern side of the house. This way you would be able to attain financial stability. Make sure that the underground water tank is not in the south-west direction.
Vastu for Health
The adage 'health is wealth' holds a lot of meaning in Vastu Shastra also. Vastu has laid down some important guidelines to be followed by people, for keeping a good health and remain in the best of spirits. It is advisable to take advice form a Vastu expert if any of the family members is suffering from prolonged illness that has not even been diagnosed properly. It may be due to a Vastu defect with the setting or the placement of things in the house. Following certain simple Vasthu guidelines can help you prevent illness and diseases and promote a good health. Read on to know how some minor Vastu corrections help in fighting aliments better and also bring a quick recovery.
Vaastu Tips For Health
General health can be improved by sleeping with the head towards the south. Sleeping on the left is recommended for people with “Vaatha” and “Khapha” constitutions, while sleeping on the right in recommended for those with “Pittha” constitutions.
According to Vastu shastra, a staircase in the exact centre of the house would lead to health problems. So, take care to get the stairs built in a corner.Heavy furniture should not be kept in the middle of the house, as it is the Brahmasthan and needs to be kept as empty as possible.Ensure that there are no overhead beams running through the centre of the house or it would lead to a disturbed mind.
It is important to keep the central area or the Brahmasthan clear of any heavy concrete structures. The Brahmasthan should be kept open and free from heavy objects, pillars and beams. Install a Reiki charged crystal grid in the Brahmasthan, to keep the whole house energized. One of the main causes behind sickness is an imbalance of the fire element in the house.
If your house faces south, with a slope towards that direction, or the generator room faces northeast and the underground water tank is in southeast, the possibility of health problems will continue to exist. To cure the situation, make sure that the gate along the south wall always remains shut. Secondly, the gate should be high and made of wood, so that the road outside is not visible.Lighting a candle in the fire zone (southeast direction) daily is important for good health.Vastu links the health and illness with the lacement of kitchen in the house. If the kitchen is not located in the fire zone, the occupants will be vulnerable to health disorders. So, always plan the kitchen in the southeast direction.
The boundary wall of the house should be of same height as the gate. Growing citrus plants on either sides of the gate promotes good health.Keep the heavy weight generator, if any, in the northwest or southeast direction and the water tank in the north or northeast.If someone in your house is keeping unwell, keep a burning candle in his/her room, for a couple of weeks.Place an image of lord Hanuman in the house that faces south direction, for ensuring good health.Vastu for Health
The adage 'health is wealth' holds a lot of meaning in Vastu Shastra also. Vastu has laid down some important guidelines to be followed by people, for keeping a good health and remain in the best of spirits. It is advisable to take advice form a Vastu expert if any of the family members is suffering from prolonged illness that has not even been diagnosed properly. It may be due to a Vastu defect with the setting or the placement of things in the house. Following certain simple Vasthu guidelines can help you prevent illness and diseases and promote a good health. Read on to know how some minor Vastu corrections help in fighting aliments better and also bring a quick recovery.
Vaastu Tips For Health
General health can be improved by sleeping with the head towards the south. Sleeping on the left is recommended for people with “Vaatha” and “Khapha” constitutions, while sleeping on the right in recommended for those with “Pittha” constitutions.
According to Vastu shastra, a staircase in the exact centre of the house would lead to health problems. So, take care to get the stairs built in a corner.Heavy furniture should not be kept in the middle of the house, as it is the Brahmasthan and needs to be kept as empty as possible.Ensure that there are no overhead beams running through the centre of the house or it would lead to a disturbed mind.
It is important to keep the central area or the Brahmasthan clear of any heavy concrete structures. The Brahmasthan should be kept open and free from heavy objects, pillars and beams. Install a Reiki charged crystal grid in the Brahmasthan, to keep the whole house energized. One of the main causes behind sickness is an imbalance of the fire element in the house.
If your house faces south, with a slope towards that direction, or the generator room faces northeast and the underground water tank is in southeast, the possibility of health problems will continue to exist. To cure the situation, make sure that the gate along the south wall always remains shut. Secondly, the gate should be high and made of wood, so that the road outside is not visible.Lighting a candle in the fire zone (southeast direction) daily is important for good health.Vastu links the health and illness with the lacement of kitchen in the house. If the kitchen is not located in the fire zone, the occupants will be vulnerable to health disorders. So, always plan the kitchen in the southeast direction.
The boundary wall of the house should be of same height as the gate. Growing citrus plants on either sides of the gate promotes good health.Keep the heavy weight generator, if any, in the northwest or southeast direction and the water tank in the north or northeast.If someone in your house is keeping unwell, keep a burning candle in his/her room, for a couple of weeks.Place an image of lord Hanuman in the house that faces south direction, for ensuring good health.
Vastu for Love
Vastu can work wonders for your love life, by igniting romance and deep feelings. It can help make your relationship more enjoyable and also enable you to develop an unbreakable bond with your partner. If you want to succeed in your love life, it is very important to follow the right Vastu. Bringing freshness and vitality in your personal relationships is essential, as they are under constant threat of loosing the initial charm. This can be easily done by reorganizing space in your house and altering the placements of things, as per Vastu. Read the article for the most useful Vasthu advice to brighten up your love life and drown in the reservoir of the unflinching love of your partner.
Vaastu Tips For Love
The bedroom should be constructed in the southwest direction, for maintaining peace in your life. At the same time, it should always have a square or rectangle shape. The foot of the bed should not directly face the door. Never place your bed between two doors.While sleeping, make sure that your head points towards the south corner, for a blissful personal life.
The door of the attached toilet must be kept shut and the toilet seat cover should be kept down, when not in use.Paint your walls in light green, light rose or blue color, to give your bedroom a soothing effect. Hang pictures depicting ocean in your room.Spread white or light colored sheets, with flowery designs on it. For people looking forward to marriage, pink or red colored sheets are favorable.Wearing red color brings back the lost love in your life and stimulates the sexual life as well.Increase the amount of light entering the house. Keep your house well lit, until and unless you are ready to go off for sleep, for a thrilling love life.Decorate your house with beautiful crystals items. Crystal helps attract light and illuminates your relationship as well.
To add romance to your love life, don’t clutter your surroundings with unnecessary items. For a good and healthy relationship, special attention should be paid to remove the clutter, as they restrict the flow of love.The idols of your deity should not be placed in the bedroom. They are best kept in the pooja/ prayer room.Positive energy flows when you keep such objects and furniture in your room, which symbolize love. For instance, you can keep a heart-shaped clock or a red colored couch in your room.
A dusty object means dust on the relationship as well. Therefore, keep you bedroom clear of dust and dirt.Try and surround yourself with magnificent love colors, like orange, purple, red and pink. Always keep fresh flowers in the room. You can also keep fruits like pomegranates, which are a symbol of fertility, in the room. For couples facing marital disharmony, using a double bed, with a 'single' mattress, is a good option. Too many mattresses increase the chances of conflicts and arguments. You can even stitch up the seams of two mattresses, to make them appear as one.Always keep the most romantic area of your house attractive, say by using candles, flowers, etc.
Vastu for Money
Money, arguably, is the most important factor in our lives. Financial troubles can bring a lot of stress and keep us anxious. Vastu is important to keep our finances flowing smoothly and prevent money from being restricted due to any reason. It can help in a business which is running into losses, by bringing back profits and bestowing prosperity. If the right Vastu is followed, it will never let your finances to stagnate or dwindle. The article comes up with some very favorable Vastu tips for making good money and succeeding in any commercial venture. Go through the Vasthu advice and flourish in life.
Vasatu Tips For Money
If the entrance to your apartment lies at the end of a long corridor, the energy flowing towards it will be too fierce, increasing risk to your financial investments. Its effect can be diluted by keeping a plant halfway down the corridor.Make your front door distinctive to attract wealth within. Color it different from the neighboring walls.
Keep the windows clean and sparkling, as dirty glass restricts the flow of money.Place decorative boulders or curved pathways or pebbles around your building. This will increase the movement of financial energy in a business that is suffering from setbacks.If your expenses are spiraling beyond control, keep live plants or grains in the toilet. It will prevent the money from going down the drain, because, symbolically, growing things reabsorb water energy and recycle it.Keep a mirror to reflect your cash box or locker. It, symbolically, doubles your wealth and opportunities.Keep a birdbath or feeder in the yard to attract wild life, as it augments the amount of energy around your home. Birdbaths and bird feeders can be of great help in cleaning up your finances and drawing prosperity from all directions.
The almirah in which jewelry, valuables and important papers are kept should be positioned very carefully, according to Vastu. The ideal location is at the west-side wall, facing the east, or a southwest corner facing the east or the north. Locating the almirah at the south wall facing the north also brings good fortune. It should be preferably open to the north, which is the direction of Kuber, the God of wealth.
Purple is the color which represents wealth. Keeping a purple-colored plant in the southeast corner would be beneficial. Else, a money plant could be grown in a purple colored pot and placed in the southeast corner of the office or drawing room of the house.Drainage pipes should be fitted in the east or the north area of factories, offices or residences,
Vastu Direction
An age old technique involving both art and science, Vastu Shastra can be defined as the Indian system of architecture and design of Vedic origin. The word Vastu stands for dwelling of humans and Gods. According to Hindu practice, buildings should be constructed as per the directions mentioned in the vastu shastra, to attain complete harmony with natural forces for well being of humanity. The different directions and sectors of a house are assigned to different Gods and Guardians. These sectors, when constructed according to the nature of the God, lead to complete harmony and bring in prosperity, good thought and sound health to people living inside. Some of the important parts of the house have been listed in the following lines, along with the idyllic direction.
Vaastu Shastra Directions
Southwest side is the ideal position for the bedroom. A room in the south would not only be congenial, but also work for comfort living. In case your house has an upper storey, make sure that its southwest portion houses the master bedroom.
Children Room
Children room in the northwest side or in the west side is considered ideal. The room not only acts favorably in terms of health of the children. For developing better concentration in children, make sure they have a separate study close to their bedrooms.
The right location of the kitchen insures favorable health of the family. Ideally, since southeast side is the residing place of Agni or the God of Fire, the kitchen should also be placed in the same location.
Study Room
The perfect position to study would be facing the north, east or the northeast side. These directions attract the positive effects of different planets - Mercury increases brain power, Jupiter enhances wisdom, Sun raises ambition and Venus helps in bringing about creativity in new thoughts and ideas.
Ideally, east is the perfect place for the bathroom. When it comes to attached bathroom, one in the north or east side would be favorable. Shower, bathing tub and wash basin in the bathroom may be in the Northeast, or the North or the East direction. Do not have bathroom in the center or southwest corner of the house.
Drawing Room
Drawing rooms can be in the northeast or northern or eastern side of the room. Avoid having drawing room in the southwest portion. Keep the northeast corner of the drawing room vacant.
Store Room
Store room can be in the northwest or southwest portion of the house. It is best to store heavy things in the southwest of the storeroom. Garbage can be collected in the southern side of the house.
At the time of sleeping, make sure that you have head towards the South Pole and legs towards the North Pole. However, sleeping with head in the east and legs in the west is also favorable and brings in mental peace, good thoughts and spirituality.
Vasthu Directions For Home
Direction Planet Lordship Best For
Northwest Moon Vayu (Wind) Guests, bathroom, garage, animals, utilities,pantry.
North Mercury Kubera Mirrors (North wall), jewels and other valuables, children,
(Wealth) family room, basement.
Northeast Jupiter Ishanya Prayer, shrines, living room, sun porch, patio or deck.
(the Supreme
West Saturn Varuna Dining room, children's room, study room, den
East Sun Surya (Health) Bathroom, Dining room, family room, bay windows, mirrors
on east wall, storage of ghee, milk, oil, rosewater, etc.
Southwest Rahu Nairuti Heavy objects, Bedroom, no shrines or bathrooms.
South Mars Yama Dining room, no main entrances, Bed room, Bath room
(Lord of Death)
Southeast Venus Agni Kitchen, pantry, appliances, computers, exercise room,
(Lord of Fire) garage, weights.
Note: The center is the place of Brahmasthana. This area should only be used for a courtyard or a religious shrine. Human activity should be avoided.
Vaastu for temples
The aim of human life is to wish for the welfare of all while carrying on the responsibilities of worldly deeds. For all sorts of good deeds, towards the family and other people, for inspiration and performances, all deeds are closely related to building a house. For benevolence point of view every one should contribute and co-operate with the government bodies in the plans of constructing and managing Dharam-shalas, well, pond temple, grains depot etc., and also such deeds should be performed individually by everyone.
In olden times, rich and wealthy persons had been materialising such plans under the culture and religious activities in our country. In modern period also educational institutions Dharamashala, Rain Basera (overnight camp), water hut, temple, etc. are constructed and are managed for the benefit of common people by donors and wealthy persons in the society. Welfare of all is possible only when every one in this world bears the responsibility of carrying on the business of the world by his good deeds thinking the supremacy of the creator of this world in himself.
Objective of the man in this life is not only the welfare of himself and the family, but also everyone has to earn reward for good deeds (Punya) such as construction of temple etc. for which he receives in return fame and growth of family; other people also get inspiration from such noble deeds for benevolence. There are so many ways of benevolent deeds. Construction of temple, well or ponds for drinking water for the public, Dharamshala etc. are some important deeds. Vastu Shastra has described the importance and types of such works.
Those who get a temple constructed at a beautiful site, where there are lush gardens and sufficient water in wells, ponds etc. for the sake of enhancement of religion and fame, will definitely gain heavenly pleasure. The land of construction of a temple should be tested; only such land is good and auspicious for construction of a house; selection should therefore be made as per directives given for selection of site elsewhere in this book.
For construction of temple, Vaastu-pad of sixty four squares should be made. Main gates should be constructed in the centre of all the four sides, which is auspicious. Half of the breadth should be kept for the Garbhgriha (Central room where idol is to be placed). All round the Grabhagrih, on hath (cubit) wide path should be provided for circumambulation (Parikrama) and then the wall be constructed around it. One fourth of the breadth of Garbhgrih should be the width of the door. Height of the door should be twice the width of door. The temple or place of worship should be in the north-east portion of the building. This is the best direction for worship and prayers according to Vastu Shastra. Though all the directions are good and auspicious by the grace and kindness of the supreme God, but self-satisfaction and spiritual peace is obtained only from prayers offered in the north-east direction.
In south India even today we find the live proofs of temples constructed as per principles of Vaastu Shastra. These are strictly in conformity with the principles laid down in Indian culture and Vaastu Shastra. Buildings which have been constructed after proper auspiciousness of the land etc. are famous and popular throughout the world. Takshshila University, Mohenjodaro, Taj Mahal, Several palaces and temples in India have a prominent place in the art of Vaastu not only in India, but in the whole world.
In South the Tirupati Balaji temple, Rameshwaram temple, Meenakshi temple in Madurai, Vivekanand memorial in Kanyakumari, Jagannath temple in Puri, Badrikasram in the north, Kamakshyadevi temple in Assam, Vishwanath temple in Varanasi, are some such places where people feel mental and spiritual peace as desired.
Whether it be a temple of a well, pond etc. or a house, it is the proper selection of land and direction etc. and construction at proper and auspicious time (muhurt) according to the principles of Vaastu Shastra, that its fame spreads far and wide even after thousands of years have passed. Those buildings which have become by Vaastu-Shanti and Vaastu Pooja. It is good and auspicious to do so, as it will remove default regarding Vaastu if any from that building.
North-East direction is very important in the construction of a building. This direction should be very well considered. No large and heavy rooms or materials should be kept in this portion. The owners cannot progress if they do so, nor can the inmates develop and flourish. If this portion is extended outwards and open, it provides all happiness, mental and spiritual peace prosperity and progress. North- East direction is best for offering prayers to God, so temple or Pooja room should be made in this direction and it is auspicious to offer prayers and worships sitting face towards east or north.
Dakshinayan and Uttarayan must be considered for consecration of idols. It is auspicious to establish and consecrating the idols of Shiva ling in the month of Shravan, of goddess Durga (Bhagwati Jagadamba) in Ashwin, and lord Vishnu in Margshirsh. Gods having hot temper, such as Bhairav, Narsingh, and Mahishasur Mardini Durga should be established and consecrated in the period of Dakshinayan and those of calm noble temper in the period of Uttarayan. The day, date (tithi), Paksh (fortnight), constellation, Lagna etc. should also be considered for the purpose.
Religious Vaastu - Temples
* We find that in many ancient temples these rules are observed. That is why people have faith in those places. They are considered potent by devotees and they make sacred vows at these places and find that there vows are fulfilled. These effects are observed to a lesser degree in some other temples.
* The slope of the land surrounding the temple in the east and the north direction should be in the north-east corner.
* The priest should not live in any of the rooms in the temple complex. He should live outside the temple premises otherwise, he will have to face a lot of difficulties.
* The sanctuary, the height of the idol, kind of stone of which the idol is made and its colour, the height of the lap from the ground on which the idol is placed, the height of the pinnacle and the metal used for the pinnacle, the height of the discourse hall, number of pillars used for this hall, their colours etc. should be carefully studied from the viewpoint of Vastushastra.
* The height of the discourse hall in from of the temples should be less than the height of the main temple. The stage should be to the west of the hall.
* Fountains or lotus ponds in front of the temple should be in the north-east direction.
* Before entering the temple premises, on the south side, there should be an arrangement for keeping shoes and to the east arrangements should be made for water to drink and to wash the feet and hands etc. The bathrooms should be in the east. Toilets should be outside the temple premises.
* In front of the idol, outside the temple, on the left side the victory tower should be situated. It should not be in the north-east direction. Deepstambha (pillar for light), Agnikund (earthern pot in which the fire is built) and Homkund (Pit for sacred fire) etc. should be in the south-east corner.
* After the construction of the temple is completed with due regards to the favorable constellations, time and day, the idol should be installed. The installation of the idol and the raising of the pinnacle should be done simultaneously. The world famous, wealthy and a place of faith for infinite no of devotees, Tirupati Balaji temple is one of the finest examples of Vastushastra. Different logical arguments and spiritual analysis are made about the Balaji mandir. Tirupati Balaji is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. There was a clash between Lord Vishnu and Laxmi. As a result Lord Vishnu appeared in his new incarnation as Tirupati Balaji at Tirumala Hills in Andhra Pradesh. Laxmi appeared at Mahalaxmi in Kolhapur in Maharashtra. Balaji married with Goddess Padmavati. At this time Varahswami was the Guru of Tirupati Balaji. The marriage of Tirupati Balaji was a very expensive affair. At that time Balaji took a big loan from Kuber.For paying off this debt, infinite number of devotees of Balaji are making their contribution in the pot placed at Kubersthan in the northern direction of the temple in the form of cash, gold and other valuables. Bajaj on his part for paying of the debt of these devotees helps them in the prosperity of their business.
* If the temple premises there are smaller temples of other Gods, only the temple of Lord Hanuman & the Goddess Kali can have face towards the south.
* No parking arrangement should be made in the temple premises. It should be out side the temple in the east or the north side.
* There should be no fan in the sanctuary of the idol. This spoils the magnetic environment.
* For building religious Vastu temple, first of all, it is necessary to choose the proper site.
* The plot of the temple should be square of rectangular in shape. The magnetic north-south poles of the plot should be parallel. This means that the four major directions, the east, the west, the north and the south should meet the plot parallely and not in the corner.
* Compound wall around the temple in all the four directions is very essential. Entrance gate on the east side of the compound wall is the best. Entrance gate on the north side is tolerable. It is very auspicious to have four entrance gates to the main temple building. At least one in the east and one in the north if there are two gates and if there is only one it should be in the east. Only it should not be in the south direction. The main entrance gate should be taller than other doors and should be decorated.
* The sight of the principal idols stare in the temple should be trained on the seventh part of the door if the door is divided into nine parts. No building, office, electric pole, tree, shed etc. should come from the idol’s stare. There can be entrance gate or road in this direction.
* The orchestra should be in the north-west direction of the hall. The colour of the pillars and the flooring of the hall should be white, yellow or light saffron.
* There should be a window to the east of the sanctuary such that sunrays fall unobtrusively on the idol from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. There should be no room behind the sanctuary. There should be arrangement for circumambulation around the temple and the sanctuary.
* There should be no place for breaking coconuts in the sanctuary. Water from the coconut should not be sprinkled on the idol. The place for breaking the coconut should be outside the temple in the east or the north leaving the north-east corner.
* The sanctuary of the main God should be at a higher level from the ground. The devotees should not touch the idol. No one except the Pujari (Worshipper of idol) should enter the main octagonal part of the sanctuary.
* If such places are situated on a tall hill or mountain, the population is thin. This helps in maintaining the austerity of the God. The shadow of the temple should not fall on other buildings. In front of the temple there should be no building of any type. These objectives are fulfilled on a hill or mountain.
* Marriage ceremony and any other ceremony should not be performed in the temple premises. If at all they are performed, it should be in the open space around the temple in the west or in the south side.
* By dividing this place into four equal parts the main structure of the temple with Subhamandap (lecture-hall) should be in the south-west part. Godowns and shops should be in the north-west part, Water storage tanks, wells etc. should be in the north-east part, Kitchen, rest houses etc. should be in the south-east portion.
* In the open space surrounding the temple Basil plant with raised bed should be in the east, Jasmine, White Champak, Star Coral plants etc. should be in the north-west corner or the east. Four approach roads are very useful. Charity boxes or pots in the temple should be in the east or the north. The divine gift place should be in the east or the north-east.
* The bell should not be in the sanctuary. It should be outside the sanctuary. There should be no microphones, speakers or any other electrical equipment in the sanctuary. They can be outside the sanctuary. Around the chief idol in the sanctuary there should be square, rectangular octagonal or circular construction or pillars. The pillars or the construction should not be hexagonal.
* If there is a sea, river, tank, take etc. in the east or the north direction, such a plot is, the best place. Because of this, there is natural slope in the east or the north directions.
Vastu Remedies
With life becoming tougher and more complex, buying a flat or constructing it as per vastu shastra has become a next to impossible task. Such a situation is especially seen in big cities and metro towns, wherein the pressure to purchase plots & buildings are extremely high. As such, your home is bound to have certain vastu defect or dosh. While it is not possible to change or alter the position of everything in the house, minor changes can be done. By making minor changes in the interiors and using regulators or charged objects, one can bring back peace and happiness in life. In the following lines, we have provided some vastu remedies that would surely act beneficially and bring about a positive change in your life.
Remedies For Common Vaastu Defects
In case you have a drain or a river nearby the house which is flowing in a direction other than the north-east direction and has anti-clockwise movement, the best bet would be to place a statue of dancing Ganeshji facing the west on the north-east corner of the house.
If the boring of your building or house has been placed in the wrong direction, it is best to have a picture of Panchmukhi Hanumanji, facing South-West to the boring.
If while entering your home you have a naked wall, place a statue or a picture of Ganeshji. Remember, a naked wall is a sign of loneliness and hence the good way to conceal it would be with the statue or a picture of Lord Ganesha. In case a high voltage overhead wire passes over your house, erect a plastic pipe filled with lime from one corner to the other in such a manner that both its end would remain outside by at least three feet each. This would eliminate the evil effects of energy, being generated out of the overhead wire.
Energy circles of a house can be enhanced by using Swastika Yantra. However, the method requires a lot of care and should be done under the supervision of an able Vastu mason. A toilet, built at the eastern corner at the 'Ishan' angle, causes a lot of diseases to the inmates. For this, construct a toilet mainly towards south or west. The face should be towards the north or west, while discharging stool. In the kitchen, place the grinder, fridge, shelf and other heavy items towards south and west wall. If you are facing health problems, check your bed. As per vastu shastra, one should always use bed with four legs. Box type bed stops air circulation and is the foremost reason for bad health.
Placing pyramids is an effective and pocket friendly way of curbing all the vastu defects of a house or a building. These are installed in strategic location in the house such as the center of the house, a specific room or even an energetic key point. It balances the electromagnetic field of the human aura, thereby harmonizing mind, body, spirit and environment.Poster of crying girl, war scene, sexy scenes, angry man, owl and eagle are considered inauspicious. In case you have one at your home, replace it immediately. As for the doors, if you have doors that open outwards, replace them immediately by those that open inwards.
Elements of Vastu
"Vaastu Shastra" the vedic architecture integrates the science of Ayurveda and Astrology by linking them with human lives. "Vaastu" Combines the earth's magnetic fields, the influence of planets and other celestial bodies along with cosmic rays and plays a vital role in happy family life and prosperity of business.Vaastu Shilpa shastra, the ancient mystic science and art of designing and construction of buildings finds its origin Staptya Veda which in turn is part of Atharva Veda, one of the four vedas.
In today's age & time with growing urbanisation, paucity of space and more significantly the rampant sense of faithlessness in anything that modern science fails to explain, it is practically impossible to even dream of a home or office confirming to the laws of "Vaastu".The entire universe is believed to be made up of five basic elements, namely fire, water, earth, air and space. The human body is also made up of these elements. Basically, these five elements are related to our five senses - that of taste, smell, hearing, touch and sight. The aim of Vastu Shastra is to teach the individuals how to live in a perfect equilibrium and harmony, by balancing these five main elements. Vaastu teaches us how to correct our internal and external imbalances, to ensure a peaceful and stress free life. The article delves at length on the five elements of the ancient architectural practice. Read on to know their importance in Vastu.
Five Elements Of Vaastu Shastra
As the Southwest is the hardest part it can be compared to the earth. The higher this portion is in a building, the higher is the fame and fortune of the owner.Earth, also known as prithvi, is known for its gravitational and magnetic qualities. It is the only element that is connected to all the five senses of the human body - the sense of taste, touch, sound, smell and sight. This is the reason why it influences us the most. Sleeping with the head towards the south enables one to go with the nature and draw maximum positive energies from the cosmos, to keep fit and healthy.
NorthEast is the Jalasthana or the place of water. If a well or an underground water storage facility (Sump) is build here, then the owner of the site is bound to experience happiness and prosperity.Also known as Jal, water is the most important element after earth. It is linked to our senses of taste, touch, sight and hearing. Quantitatively, it is the largest of the five elements, as more than 80% of our body and two-third of earth's surface is made up of water. Vastu rightly determines the placement of water sources, like wells, boring, underground water tank, overhead water tank, etc, while planning any building, to draw the maximum benefits.
Agni (Fire) : The South East is the agnisthana or the place of the fire, hence the kitchen should be constructed here and fire should be lit facing the East, as fire should always be lit facing the East even while cooking , performing a yagna or while lighting the lamp for God.Sun is the primary source of life and energy. It is known for its vitality and strength. Sun is associated with Agni (fire), which is the basis of all energy on earth and without which all life will come to an end. The element of fire is related to sound, touch and sight and its direction is southeast. Geysers, fireplace and kitchen should be located in this direction. Vastu recommends having tall and big trees in the south, to block the harmful rays of sun.
Wind(air) : The North-west is the Vayusthana or the place of the wind. Hence the door, window or ventilatttor is to be constructed in the West in Northwest, without obstruction and the owner of such building experiences happiness, improvement in business and good friends.
Air is also known as vayu. It is the fundamental element for our survival. This element relates to our senses of sound and touch. The air on earth is a mixture of various gases, like nitrogen, oxygen, helium, and hydrogen, which are essential for human beings. Vastu recommends guidelines to be followed for placement of doors, windows, ventilators, balconies, height of structure and placement of trees and plants, to balance the air element. The air should enter a building from northeast.
The sky corresponds to the middle of the building is the Brahmasthana, it is very good if this place is built open to the sky without any Ups and downs in the middle of the building Owners of small sites may not find this idea feasible. Care should be taken, not to place any heavy objects here.Also known as Akash, space has no limits or boundaries; it is infinite. It is linked to our sense of hearing. In a house, the space element is related to the central portion or the brahmasthan. It is important that brahmasthan be kept open. At the same time, the house should be built in such a way that the light enters its centre as well. Any disturbances in the space element prove to be detrimental to growth and progress
Elements of Vastu
"Vaastu Shastra" the vedic architecture integrates the science of Ayurveda and Astrology by linking them with human lives. "Vaastu" Combines the earth's magnetic fields, the influence of planets and other celestial bodies along with cosmic rays and plays a vital role in happy family life and prosperity of business.Vaastu Shilpa shastra, the ancient mystic science and art of designing and construction of buildings finds its origin Staptya Veda which in turn is part of Atharva Veda, one of the four vedas.
In today's age & time with growing urbanisation, paucity of space and more significantly the rampant sense of faithlessness in anything that modern science fails to explain, it is practically impossible to even dream of a home or office confirming to the laws of "Vaastu".The entire universeis believed to be made up of five basic elements, namely fire, water, earth, air and space. The human body is also made up of these elements. Basically, these five elements are related to our five senses - that of taste, smell, hearing, touch and sight. The aim of Vastu Shastra is to teach the individuals how to live in a perfect equilibrium and harmony, by balancing these five main elements. Vaastu teaches us how to correct our internal and external imbalances, to ensure a peaceful and stress free life. The article delves at length on the five elements of the ancient architectural practice. Read on to know their importance in Vastu.
Five Elements Of Vaastu Shastra
As the Southwest is the hardest part it can be compared to the earth. The higher this portion is in a building, the higher is the fame and fortune of the owner.Earth, also known as prithvi, is known for its gravitational and magnetic qualities. It is the only element that is connected to all the five senses of the human body - the sense of taste, touch, sound, smell and sight. This is the reason why it influences us the most. Sleeping with the head towards the south enables one to go with the nature and draw maximum positive energies from the cosmos, to keep fit and healthy.
NorthEast is the Jalasthana or the place of water. If a well or an underground water storage facility (Sump) is build here, then the owner of the site is bound to experience happiness and prosperity.Also known as Jal, water is the most important element after earth. It is linked to our senses of taste, touch, sight and hearing. Quantitatively, it is the largest of the five elements, as more than 80% of our body and two-third of earth's surface is made up of water. Vastu rightly determines the placement of water sources, like wells, boring, underground water tank, overhead water tank, etc, while planning any building, to draw the maximum benefits.
Agni (Fire) : The South East is the agnisthana or the place of the fire, hence the kitchen should be constructed here and fire should be lit facing the East, as fire should always be lit facing the East even while cooking , performing a yagna or while lighting the lamp for God.Sun is the primary source of life and energy. It is known for its vitality and strength. Sun is associated with Agni (fire), which is the basis of all energy on earth and without which all life will come to an end. The element of fire is related to sound, touch and sight and its direction is southeast. Geysers, fireplace and kitchen should be located in this direction. Vastu recommends having tall and big trees in the south, to block the harmful rays of sun.
Wind(air) : The North-west is the Vayusthana or the place of the wind. Hence the door, window or ventilatttor is to be constructed in the West in Northwest, without obstruction and the owner of such building experiences happiness, improvement in business and good friends.
Air is also known as vayu. It is the fundamental element for our survival. This element relates to our senses of sound and touch. The air on earth is a mixture of various gases, like nitrogen, oxygen, helium, and hydrogen, which are essential for human beings. Vastu recommends guidelines to be followed for placement of doors, windows, ventilators, balconies, height of structure and placement of trees and plants, to balance the air element. The air should enter a building from northeast.
The sky corresponds to the middle of the building is the Brahmasthana, it is very good if this place is built open to the sky without any Ups and downs in the middle of the building Owners of small sites may not find this idea feasible. Care should be taken, not to place any heavy objects here.Also known as Akash, space has no limits or boundaries; it is infinite. It is linked to our sense of hearing. In a house, the space element is related to the central portion or the brahmasthan. It is important that brahmasthan be kept open. At the same time, the house should be built in such a way that the light enters its centre as well. Any disturbances in the space element prove to be detrimental to growth and progress.
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